Peace looks forward.
What stood out to you from Sunday’s sermon?
Where do you experience peace during the Christmas season?
Where do you feel a lack of peace during the Christmas season?
Read: Isaiah 9:1-7
Look at the titles for Jesus in verse 6. Which one resonates most strongly with you?
In what ways is Jesus the “Prince of Peace?”
Read: Ephesians 2:14-15
How has Jesus brought peace to us? How is he our peace?
Are there any areas of your life in which you feel conflict with God? How can you seek peace with him?
Are there people who you need to seek peace with this Christmas? What can you do to seek lasting peace with them?
Read: Revelation 21:1-5
Advent is the season of looking forward – to Jesus’ first arrival in Bethlehem, and to his second coming at the end of time. In was ways do you look forward to Jesus’ next arrival?
Pray: What conflict are you feeling now that we can pray about as a small group?