We are beginning something new with this series. We will provide a short video with three or four questions for you to use with your group. You can send it ahead of time to your group members so they can prepare for your group time. Or, you could use it during your your group meeting. We will also provide more written questions below the video.
GIVE Small Group Video
God’s Expectation for His people is generosity
Who is someone you know who is crazy generous? How do they live out generosity? Why?
If you had all the money in the world, who would you bless?
Read: Read Matthew 6:1-4
What happens to givers who give with impure motives?
What style of giving does Jesus tell us to do?
What do you think he is saying when he states, “don’t let the left hand know what the right hand is doing….”?
Read: Read Matthew 6:19-24
What are ways that we “treasure up treasures” here on earth?
What are ways we can “treasure up treasures” in heaven?
Who is someone who could keep you accountable to have “healthy eyes”? How would you ask them to keep you accountable?
At the end of his message, Wally read the story of the rich young ruler and the widow’s offering. Which story did you relate to more? How do they challenge your perspective of giving?
How does God’s expectation that we give challenge you? What is one way God is calling you to give sacrificially?
Pray: Pray for God to challenge you this week to paint (give). Pray that he helps you to turn away from the thing which distract you from being generous with God’s blessing.