Sin and Consequences Small Group Video
Sin and Consequences
When mistakes are made, there are always consequences.=
Tell us about a humorous mistake you’ve made. Why are humans so error-prone?
Read: Numbers 13:1-3
How would you have felt if you were one of the scouts sent into Canaan?
Read: Numbers 13:25-33
What was the actual sin of the 10 scouts who were opposed to entering the Promised Land? How have you personally dealt with that sin?
Read: (If you want the full story) Numbers 14:1-25
(If you want the spark notes version) Numbers 14:27-30
What were the consequences for the Israelites in this story?
What does tell us about God?
What should be the response of God’s people when we make mistakes?
Read: Numbers 14:39-45
Share a time when you were like the Israelites here, boldly pushing ahead into a situation where God was NOT present. What did you learn from that situation?
Read: 1 Timothy 2:5-6
What has Jesus done for us in regards to our mistakes? How does that change our situation with God?
Pray: For the wisdom to recognize your mistakes, and the courage to rectify them.