Unstoppable Story Small Group Video
Looking backward helps us to move forward.
How far back do you know your own family history? Where did you get your stories from?
How does the thought of being forgotten make you feel?
Read: Genesis 25:19-34
Are you more of an outdoors person or a stay inside person? Why?
What kind of tension do you think there is between the brothers leading up to the birthright/stew interaction? Did they get along? Why or why not?
Read: Genesis 28:10-32
Which part of God’s blessing of Jacob (and Abraham) do you resonate with most? People, Place, Privilege, and Purpose?
Why is it important for God to set Jacob’s course, and not Jacob doing it on his own?
What is Jacob’s response?
Read: Genesis 32:24-32
Why do you think Jacob wrestles with God? Why won’t he let him go?
What is the significance of God changing Jacob’s name to Israel?
How would you feel if God rewrote part of who you were?
What parts of Jacob’s story do you relate with the most? Why do you think God uses imperfect people?
What parts of your life are defined by other things? How do you need to change to allow God’s story to define you?
Pray: Share an area where you need to change because of God’s Unstoppable Story. Pray for each other.