God defines our sexuality. Be faithful!
What was the weirdest rule your parents had for you when you were growing up?
Why did we fight our parents rules when we were growing up?
Read: Exodus 20:1-17
Which is the easiest command for you to follow?
What’s the hardest? Why?
If we were to expand verse 14, what would you include?
Read: Matthew 5:27-30
Why do you think Jesus was so drastic in his statements about sex here?
If Jesus is so direct and drastic, why is sexual sin such a problem within the church?
What things can we do to flee from the world’s saturation of unhealthy sexuality?
What God things can we do to keep our eyes/hands/heart focused on God’s Kingdom rather than the world?
Being faithful to God’s view of sex is a team effort. Who are the Nathans in your life? Who could be the Nathans in your life?
Read: Psalm 51
How does it make you feel to know that God views each of us as a person of deep worth?
Even knowing this, why is it hard to deal with our sin? How can we help one another>
Pray: Ask God for humility in your life so you will do the right thing and flee from the sexual sin in your life.