08.27.23 - Small Group Discussion

Enough Small Group Discussion


God is enough. 

  • What stood out to you from Sunday’s message?

Read: Exodus 20:17

  • Think about coveting in your own life. What comes to mind?

  • Why does God get so specific in this commandment, especially with compared to the few preceding it?

  • How does American culture push you toward coveting?

Read: James 1:14-15

  • How do these verses describe the process of coveting? What is the result of allowing sin to grow? How have you witnessed those results?

  • What is “holy dissatisfaction,” and how can you practice that instead of coveting?

  • In what ways is God actually enough?

Read: Exodus 20:18-19 & I Timothy 2:5-6

  • What do you think of the Israelite’s reaction? Would you have been the same as them?

  • How does Moses fulfil a similar role for the Israelites, that Jesus fulfils for you?

Pray: Partner up and share with each other where you’re struggling against coveting this week. Then pray for contentment. Then check in mid-week with your partner to see how they’re doing.
