Life belongs to God.
What’s something that you wish people had more common sense about?
Do you believe people are generally good or generally evil? Why?
Read: Exodus 20:8-12
Do you practice either of these commandments? What does that look like for you?
Read: Exodus 20:13
Why did God have to say this? Would you put this commandment in the category of “common sense?” Why?
Read: Genesis 4:1-10
Can you imagine being Cain? Murder had never been committed until this time. How do you imagine the fallout of this decision affected him into the future?
Should Cain have known that murder was wrong?
Read: Matthew 5:21-22
In what ways are you guilty of breaking Jesus’ teaching here?
What can you do to seek life this week?
Pray: Ask God to show you where you are breaking his commandments, and to help you seek life.