Mixed Up!
Holiness is displayed in how you live.
What was your youth sports experience like?
What stood out to you from your reading this week, and from Sunday’s message?
Read: Leviticus 19:1-10
How did these laws make the Israelites distinct from the nations who surrounded them?
Read: Leviticus 19:11-18
Which of the laws we’ve read in this chapter continue to have bearing for us today?
Read Leviticus 19:19
Have you heard of this law in the past? What was your reaction to it then?
What does this law tell us about God’s heart for humankind?
Name some ways that Christians “mix up” their faith with the attitudes and actions of this world?
Which of those ways have been a temptation to you?
How obvious is it to outsiders that you’re “playing for a different team?”
Pray: Ask God to help you identify areas you need to change so that others can tell you are a follower of Jesus.