05.29.22 - Small Group Discussion

You + Your Siblings, Round 2

Peace in your family start with forgiveness.

  • Do you have a special connection with one or more of your siblings? Describe it!

  • On Sunday, Walter said, “Those who know you best also know how to best hurt you.” Have you found that to be true?

Read: Genesis 37:1-4

  • What do you think of the situation between Joseph and his brothers? In your opinion, who was right and who was wrong?

Read: Genesis 37:5-8

  • If you were one of Joseph’s brothers, how would you have reacted to these dreams?

Read: Genesis 37:18-20

  • If you are willing, share a time when frustration in your family boiled over into active conflict.

Read: Matthew 5:22 and I John 3:15

  • What’s your response to these two verses?

  • Walter shared that forgiveness is a choice to give up anger and retaliation, that it doesn’t depend on emotion, and that it only requires one person. Does that sound reasonable to you?

Prayer: Pray for the members of your group to freely give and receive forgiveness.

05.22.22 - Small Group Discussion

You + Your Kids

 We need to keep God at the Center so we can teach the next generation to be faithful 

  • What are some things your parents purposely taught you?

  • What are some things they taught you that they didn’t necessarily want to?

Read: Deuteronomy 6:1-3

  • What is the fear of the Lord?  Why is it good?

  • What are the promises given for those who keep the decrees and obey?

  • Why does God want obedience?

Read: Deuteronomy 6:4-9

  • What are some practical ways you can love God with your heart, soul, and strength?

  • What are some practical ways we can do the commands to help the next generation learn how to be obedient?

  • What are some things similar to the phylacteries and mezuzahs that we can do to keep God more present in our day to day lives?

Read: Galatians 5:19-23

  • On Sunday, Wally challenged us to think deep about the bad list in Galatians.  What are the things that we need to stop doing?  If you feel safe enough, share with your group and then take some time and pray for one another

  • How are you going to carry out these changes?

Prayer:  Pray that you have a desire to move God closer to the center of your life so you have a better chance of helping the next generation be obedient to God.

05.15.22 - Small Group Discussion

You + Your Siblings

God is the hero of your family’s story.

  • Share a favorite story that your family tells at family gatherings.

  • Does your family’s history have more heroes or more villains?

Read: Genesis 32:3-5

  • What do you think of Jacob’s plan to “test the waters” here with Esau?

Read: Genesis 32:6-8

  • Have you or one of your family members ever been estranged from the family? How did you deal with that?

Read: Genesis 32:9-12

  • What areas of your life do you try to control the most?

  • How do you see God being the hero in this story?

Read: Genesis 33:1-4

  • On Sunday, Walter encouraged us to “start with prayer, and then live in patience.”

  • When it comes to your family – and especially your siblings, how easy is it for you to be patient?

Read: Galatians 5:16-21

  • How good of a job are you doing at letting the Holy Spirit guide your life?

  • In what family relationship do you most need patience to grow?

Prayer: Pray for the Holy Spirit to continue to grow his fruit in your family relationships this week.

05.08.22 - Small Group Discussion

You + Your Spouse

 Honoring your parents begins with honesty.

  • What’s your relationship like with your parents? Or, if your parents are no longer with us, what is something valuable that you learned from them?

  • What do you think it means to honor someone?

Read: Genesis 31:1-4

  • Have you experienced a breakdown of relationship because of dishonesty? What was that like?

Read: Genesis 31:14-20

  • What do you think of Jacob’s, Leah’s, and Rachel’s character here? What about the way they treated their father?

Read: Genesis 31:25-28

  • When Laban caught up to his family, he expressed his frustration at their flight. Do you feel like he was justified?

Read: Genesis 31:48-50

  • On Sunday, Walter said that, “Dishonesty in a relationship is only ever going to be temporary.” Have you found that to be true or not?

  • How can honesty be part of honoring your parents? Do you need to have a conversation with them?

Read: Galatians 5:22-23

  • We’re focusing on faithfulness this week , which in Galatians 5 Walter said was linked to fidelity, or to being trustworthy.

  • What can you do to be a more faithful person this week in your relationship with others, and especially with your parents?

Prayer: Go around your group and pray for each person to grow in honesty and faithfulness.

05.01.22 - Small Group Discussion

You + Your Spouse

Marriage should not be transactional

  • What do you know of the story of Jacob, his two wives, and his twelve sons

Read: Genesis 29:16-20

  • Can you imagine working seven years to get the right to marry someone? What do you think that was like for Jacob?

Read: Genesis 29:21-30

  • How would you have reacted if you were in Jacob’s shoes?

Read: Genesis 29:31-35

  • Here, and up through Genesis 30:24, the conflict between Jacob and his wives escalates into a series of back-and-forth score keeping. Have you experienced a relationship that devolved into a series of transactions? How did things turn out?

  • On Sunday, Walter said that instead of score keeping, marriage should be defined by love. What’s your definition of love?

  • Love, from a Biblical understanding, is putting another person’s highest good above your own. If you are married, what can you do to love your spouse this week? If you are not married, what can you do to love your parents, your siblings, or those around you this week?

Read: Galatians 5:22-23

  • What does it look like to invite the Holy Spirit to grow this fruit in you?

  • We’re challenging everyone to transcribe Galatians 5:22-23 one time each day this week. How’s that been going for you? What have you noticed?

Prayer: Ask God’s Holy Spirit to help you grow love in your relationships with others over the next seven days.

04.17.22 - Small Group Discussion

Glad Tidings of Easter (4.17.22)

God is FOR you. 

  • Share a time when you thought that someone was against you, but were either not ani-you, or were actually for you.

Read: Matthew 28:1-4

  • How do you think the two Mary’s felt as they walked toward the tomb that Sunday morning?

  • Have you ever felt like God was against you, or was unhappy with you?

Read: Matthew 28:5-10

  • The angel told the women to “come and see,” and then to “go and tell.”

  • Share a moment when you’ve seen God work in your life.

  • Who have you told about Jesus and his church?

  • What do you do to regularly remember Jesus, his sacrifice, and his resurrection for you? What might you need to start doing?

Read: Romans 8:31-34

  • How many things in this passage are described as being done “for us?” Discuss each one.

  • How confident are you that God is for you?

Prayer: Thank Jesus for his sacrifice and resurrection, as they prove that God is for us.

04.10.22 - Small Group Discussion

Immerse Chronicles - Being True to God

Your identity doesn’t have to change even if your circumstances do.

  • What are some identities that you’ve had in your life? What are some you have now?

Read: Daniel 1:1-7

  • There is so much going on in this scene, and all of it brutally painful. Where do you see God in this scene?

  • Last week Frank said that God works through world leaders – even pagan kings like Nebuchadnezzar. Do you find that troubling? Why or why not?

  • Are there instances where you’ve seen God at work in your life through unlikely people? Share that with your group.

Read: Daniel 1:21

  • Daniel was faithful to God throughout 66 years, serving seven different emperors. As you’ve read Daniel this week, what are some instances where you saw Daniel’s faithfulness?

  • What can you learn from Daniel’s example?

Apply: Frank talked about three kinds of identity. Which of these do you identify with?

Saturation identity – your identity is wrapped up in something that is external to your core. A hobby. An occupation. A leisure pursuit.

Situation identity – your identity changes based on who you’re with or where you’re at.

Salvation identity – your core identity is based in who God says you are: his child, a follower of Jesus.

Prayer: Pray that God will help you find contentment in your core identity as His child.

04.03.22 - Small Group Discussion

Immerse Chronicles - God is always at work 

  • Has there been a time in your life when you felt like God was absent? Or silent? If so, share that with your group.

Read: Esther 2:1-20

  • What, if anything, do you find troubling about Esther’s story?

  • Try to bridge the context from Esther’s day to our own. Where do you see powerful people mistreating the weak and vulnerable?

Read: Esther 3-4:3

  • Who are the “Hamans” in our world today?

  • Where is God in this story?

Read: Esther 4:4-14

  • Esther risked her life to go before the King. What does that say about the kind of person she was?

  • Focus on verse 14. Is there some special purpose for which God has prepared you and placed you where/when you are in time?

Read: Romans 8:28

  • Why does it take such faith to believe God will work things out for our good?

  • God is always working, but sometimes it is difficult to see Him working or sense His presence. Why is that?

Prayer: Pray that God will strengthen your faith so that, even when you cannot see Him, or sense His presence, you will continue to trust that He is at work.

03.27.22 - Small Group Discussion

Immerse Chronicles - If you want to get things done, pray! 

  • What is your biggest burden right now, the thing you find yourself praying about the most?

Read: Nehemiah 1:4

  • Why do we so often see fasting connected with prayer in scripture?

  • In your personal experience, what other spiritual disciplines have you found to be closely connected to the spiritual discipline of prayer?

Read: Nehemiah 2:4-5

  • How does prayer inspire boldness?

Read: Nehemiah 4:4-9

  • Nehemiah “prayed against” those who attacked him as he worked to fulfill God’s purpose. What is your reaction to this kind of “offensive” prayer?

  • Nehemiah prayed, and Nehemiah guarded the city. There is, apparently, some balance between prayer and work. Do we struggle with that balance? If so, how?

  • St. Ignatius of Loyola said, “Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.” React to that.

Read: Philippians 4:6-7

  • How have you found this text to be true in your life?

Prayer: Spend some time sharing with each other about the things that are causing you anxiety in these turbulent days. Then spend some time praying for one another.

03.20.22 - Small Group Discussion

Immerse Chronicles - God governs the nations

  • How’s your Immerse reading and journaling going? Do you have any tips that have helped you make it part of your daily routine?

Read: 2 Chronicles 36:22-23

  • How do you feel about the fact that God “stirred the heart of Cyrus?” What do you think that experience might have been like for the king?

Read: Ezra 1:5-7

  • If you were a Jew returning from exile to your city, what emotions might you have felt?

Read: Ezra 6:6-10

God used the actions of secular world powers to accomplish the judging and restoration of his people, and to pave a way toward Jesus. Today, God still maintains sovereignty over the nations of our world.

  • Do you find that easy or difficult to believe?

  • How can that knowledge give you hope?

Walter encouraged us to respond to God’s sovereignty over a world that is clouded by sin in three ways:

  1. Lament over the brokenness of our world and our helplessness to solve its problems.

  2. Shift our perspective to salvation in Jesus alone.

  3. Pray for our sisters and brothers and for the oppressed caught up in violence and conflict.

  • How can you practice Lament/Shift/Prayer this week?

Prayer: We’re going to try something different today! Psalm 102 contains elements of Lament, Shift, and Prayer. As a group, pray through Psalm 102 together. Assign different people different verses or sections, and then pray together, using the words of the Psalm to direct your prayer.

Leaders Note: We prayed three prayers during Sunday’s service – a prayer of lament, a prayer of perspective shift, and a prayer for God to protect the oppressed and those caught up in the conflict in Ukraine. Feel free to use these prayers in your group gathering, or to challenge your people to pray them during the week:

Lament: “God, we are trapped in a broken world. We see suffering all around us. We are sorry for the hurt we inevitably cause with our actions. Father, we need healing, we need peace, we need you. In Jesus name we pray.”

Shift: “Jesus, you alone are our savior. You are our true King. Let your Kingdom come, and let your will be done in our lives. We are your citizens. We give you our allegiance. We place our faith in you. It is in your name that we pray.”

Pray:  “God, we know you govern the nations, and we affirm your sovereignty over all things in this world. We pray for our brothers and sisters caught in the conflict in Ukraine. We pray for an easing of the suffering, and for protection of the resources and people offering aid in this conflict. Father, our only hope is in you. It is in the name of Jesus, your Son, we pray.”

03.13.22 Small Group Discussion

Immerse Chronicles - Forgotten God

Our Faith is determined by what we value.

  • When your values don’t line up with those that you work for, everyone suffers. Have you ever been asked to do something that didn’t line up with your values? Tell us about that experience and how you responded?

  • Was there any fallout or lasting damages from that experience?

Read: 1 Chronicles 13:1-8

  • David appeared to do everything right as he prepared to move the Ark of the Covenant. Which of his preliminary steps seem most important to you?

Read: Read 2 Chronicles 28:1-25

  • Where do you see Ahaz’s values not lining up with God values?

  • Do you have any values that don’t line up with God’s values?

Read: Read 2 Chronicles 31:20-21. 

  • Hezekiah faith is shown through his actions as king, what actions are you taking that show your faith in God?

  • Where in your life do you see any less than Godly values directing your actions?

  • What is harder for you, destroying deterrents or living loyally?

  • What are some areas in your life where you could invest more of your time, talent, or treasure to show your faith in God?

Prayer: Pray that God reveals any areas of your life or values that don’t match up with His.

Bonus: Which of the kings in 2 Chronicles 14-30 do you think is the worst of them all and why?

03.06.22 - Small Group Discussion

Immerse Chronicles - The Best Advice You Can Give Your Children

Your advice amounts to nothing without Jesus.

  • What is a great bit of advice you recall getting from your parents, or giving to a child?

Read: 1 Chronicles 28:1-7

  • Has there been a time you felt certain God was telling you, “No”? How did you handle that?

  • Have you ever struggled with seeing someone else get an assignment from God that you wanted? How did you handle that?

Read: 1 Chronicles 28:8

  • What is the relationship between obedience and God’s favor? Put another way, why is God’s favor so closely tied to obedience?

Read: 1 Chronicles 28:9-10

Frank identified five principles in these verses for us to observe:

  1. Get to know God intimately.

  2. Worship God with a whole heart and mind.

  3. Serve God with a whole heart and mind.

  4. Practice consistent faithfulness.

  5. Don’t become discouraged in the work to which God has called you.

  • Do you struggle with any of these? Talk about how you can better live out them out.

Read: 1 Corinthians 3:16-17

  • If the church is God’s Temple, how can we collectively practice these principles?

Prayer: Pray that God will help you develop the discipline and right priorities to live these principles out.

02.27.22 - Small Group Discussion

Immerse Chronicles - Forgotten God

God cares about the way you do things. 

  • Share a time when you started something without having enough information to succeed.

Read: 1 Chronicles 13:1-8

  • David appeared to do everything right as he prepared to move the Ark of the Covenant. Which of his preliminary steps seem most important to you?

Read: 1 Chronicles 13:9-10

  • How do you process God’s action in these verses? What emotions do you feel? What questions do you have?

  • What is your understanding of the concept of Holiness?

Read: 1 Chronicles 13:11-13

  • David responded to this event in some understandably negative ways. How do you react when things go poorly for you?

Read: 1 Chronicles 15:13-15

  • David finally did things the way God had commanded. What are some areas of life in which you’re not sure how God wants you to act?

  • Share a Bible passage that has informed a decision you made recently.

Prayer: Pray that God will bring Scripture to your mind as you go about your week.

Bonus: When God does bring Scripture to your mind this week, tell your group!

02.20.22 - Small Group Discussion

Immerse Chronicles - How Will You Be Remembered?

Where you come from does not determine where you’ll end up. 

  • Share a little bit about your genealogy. Is there an especially interesting ancestor in your family line?

Read: 1 Chronicles 1:19; 2:3; and 2:7

  • Each of these individuals or groups sinned, but the consequences were paid out differently. How so. And why?

  • Is there any sin in your family’s past that has affected you or your descendants?

  • What are some of the reasons you’ve heard for people not giving to the church? How would you respond to those issues?

Scan: Take a moment to scan 1 Chronicles 4

  • What do you find interesting about the people listed in this chapter?

  • Is there any individual or group with which you identify? Why?

Read: 1 Chronicles 5:18-26

  • What is the difference between the three tribes in verses 18-20 and the tribes listed in verses 23-26?

  • Why do you think we continue to struggle with the same issues – being faithful to God – that our spiritual ancestors the Jews struggled with?

Prayer: Pray that God will help us to glorify Him through our obedience and right living.

02.13.22 - Small Group Discussion

RESET - Your Story

Following God requires intentionality.

  • Time for complete honesty (but no judgment): is God at the center of your universe? When he is not, what is?

Read: Deuteronomy 6:1-2

  • Why is lifelong, complete obedience so difficult?

  • Is a long, enjoyable life the incentive for obedience, or is it the result of obedience?

Read: Deuteronomy 6:3

  • Share a time that you have experienced the Lord’s blessings as a result of being obedient.

  • Is it your experience that you can draw a straight line between disobedience and things not going well?

Read: Deuteronomy 6:4-5

  • What does loving God with one’s whole heart love look like?

Read: Deuteronomy 6:6-9

  • What are some practical ways you engage in what these verses tell us to do?

  • Since “following God requires intentionality,” share with your group one intentional thing you plan to do this to make sure God is at the center of your universe.

Prayer: Each of us have different things that crowd God out of the center of our universe. Pray specifically for those things that the people in your group struggle with.

02.06.22 - Small Group Discussion

RESET - Take This Job and Love It

Whomever is your employer, Jesus is your master.

ICEBREAKER: Share where/for whom you work and the challenges you face as a Christian in that work environment.

Read: Matthew 6:33

  • What things do you worry about as an employee of wherever you work?

  • What are the struggles you face in balancing work / life / spiritual life?  

Read: Colossians 3:23-24

  • How are you learning to apply this principle to your work?

  • Frank suggested one way we can live out this verse: by not grumbling and arguing (Philippians 2:14-15). What other changes could you make as a worker that would reflect well on Jesus’ influence in your life?

Read: 2 Corinthians 5:20

  • What are some ways God has used you as him ambassador in the places you live, work and go to school?

  • Who are some people you think God might want to use you to help take steps closer to him?

Prayer: As a group, make a list of people in the places you live, work and go to school that you could be used to become reconciled to God. Pray for those people in your group. Make this an ongoing list that you return to, sharing your answers to those prayers, and adding names as God grows your influence as his ambassador.

01.30.22 - Small Group Discussion

RESET - Space For God

Rhythm matters most when life picks up speed.

ICEBREAKER: What metaphor best describes the speed / pace of your life right now and why?

Read: Genesis 2:1-3

  • Why do you think God made a day of rest part of the creation narrative?

  • What are the implications of a rhythmic day of rest being built into creation?

Read: Exodus 20:8-11

  • There are ten commandments. Eight are “don’t-do-this” commandments? Only two are “do-this” commandments, including the commandment to keep the Sabbath. Sabbath is more than “don’t work.” What else is it?

  • The fourth commandment is also the longest one. Moses used more words to make this command than any other. Why do think that might be?

Read: Exodus 20:8-11

  • What are some ways you can do better at immersing yourself and/or your family in spiritual rhythms?

Read: Hebrews 10:24-25

  • How can you “encourage one another” to continue meeting in spite of all the distractions and hectic pace of life?

Prayer: Pray that God will give you the conviction and discipline necessary to practice the spiritual disciplines of spending time in his word, prayer, meditation and journaling.

01.23.22 - Small Group Discussion

RESET - What’s In Your Wallet? (1.23.22)

Jesus is Lord – even over your finances 

  • Share a story of malfunctioning tech in your life. Did a reset fix the problem?

  • What do you do to plan ahead in your finances? Have they ever needed a reset?

Read: Matthew 6:1-4 and Mark 12:13-17

  • What are Jesus’ expectations for his followers when it comes to giving?

  • What does it mean to make Jesus “Lord of your life?” How does this play out on a daily basis?

  • What are some of the reasons you’ve heard for people not giving to the church? How would you respond to those issues?

Read: Matthew 6:19-21

  • What does it look like to store up for yourself treasures in heaven?

  • Would you say you’re storing up more treasure in heaven or on earth?

  • How can you give Jesus Lordship over your finances in 2022?

Prayer: Pray that God will clearly lead each person in your group to the next step you all need to take in making him Lord over your money.

01.16.22 - Small Group Discussion

RESET - Lean In

The direction you lean determines the direction you go.

ICEBREAKER: Break into two teams and see which one can come up with the most phrases and/or idioms that use the word lean.

Read: Philippians 3:1-6

  • Frank mentioned several wrong things on which some early Christians were leaning (tradition, their own righteousness, religious heritage). What are some wrong leanings that we have that, although they might appear good, are not?

  • What is the difference between knowing Jesus and knowing about Jesus?

  • What are some of the indicators that we can be aware of that let us know whether we truly know Jesus, or just know about Jesus?

  • What are some changes you need to make in 2022 in order to really lean in where your faith is concerned?

Read: 2 Chronicles 11:13-16

  • This text seems pretty straightforward and unemotional. But what do you imagine were the consequences (emotional, financial, social, etc.) of the Israelites deciding to abandon their homes and move to Judah?

  • What outcomes (positive and negative) do you imagine you might experience if you intentionally and persistently lean in to Jesus?

  • So is leaning in simply a matter of evaluating the risk versus reward, or is there more to it than that?

Prayer: Pray that God will give you the courage and conviction necessary to consistently lean in to him in 2022.

01.09.22 - Small Group Discussion

RESET - Your Story

When Jesus is at the center of your life, you will experience balance. 

  • How can you tell when you’re in a season that is out of balance?

  • What are your “symptoms?”

Read: Psalm 24:1-6

  • Frank said that acknowledging God as creator means more than just accepting that he created everything. It means recognizing his divine authority in our lives. It means accepting that he is in control and we are not. Why do we struggle with acknowledging God as our final authority?

  • What is the evidence in our lives that we do acknowledge God as creator?

  • Putting God at the center of your life means intentionally seeking him. How do you seek God in your life?

  • Frank said that centering your life on Jesus means adding, subtracting, and multiplying. The thing he suggested you add is journaling. He suggested you subtract things that distract you. Multiplying means repeating what you’re doing. How is that all going? What are you finding successful? Where are you struggling? How can your group help?

Read: Romans 11:36 and Acts 17:28

  • What do these two texts say about the Christ-centered life?

  • How can you – through the add, subtract, multiply formula above – make these two verses a reality in your own life?

Talk: How can you and the other people in your small group help each other be successful journaling?

Prayer: Pray that each of you will have the wisdom and discipline to add journaling, subtract distractions, and multiply (repeat) your efforts to center your life on Jesus.