Immerse Chronicles - If you want to get things done, pray!
What is your biggest burden right now, the thing you find yourself praying about the most?
Read: Nehemiah 1:4
Why do we so often see fasting connected with prayer in scripture?
In your personal experience, what other spiritual disciplines have you found to be closely connected to the spiritual discipline of prayer?
Read: Nehemiah 2:4-5
How does prayer inspire boldness?
Read: Nehemiah 4:4-9
Nehemiah “prayed against” those who attacked him as he worked to fulfill God’s purpose. What is your reaction to this kind of “offensive” prayer?
Nehemiah prayed, and Nehemiah guarded the city. There is, apparently, some balance between prayer and work. Do we struggle with that balance? If so, how?
St. Ignatius of Loyola said, “Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.” React to that.
Read: Philippians 4:6-7
How have you found this text to be true in your life?
Prayer: Spend some time sharing with each other about the things that are causing you anxiety in these turbulent days. Then spend some time praying for one another.