03.27.22 - Small Group Discussion

Immerse Chronicles - If you want to get things done, pray! 

  • What is your biggest burden right now, the thing you find yourself praying about the most?

Read: Nehemiah 1:4

  • Why do we so often see fasting connected with prayer in scripture?

  • In your personal experience, what other spiritual disciplines have you found to be closely connected to the spiritual discipline of prayer?

Read: Nehemiah 2:4-5

  • How does prayer inspire boldness?

Read: Nehemiah 4:4-9

  • Nehemiah “prayed against” those who attacked him as he worked to fulfill God’s purpose. What is your reaction to this kind of “offensive” prayer?

  • Nehemiah prayed, and Nehemiah guarded the city. There is, apparently, some balance between prayer and work. Do we struggle with that balance? If so, how?

  • St. Ignatius of Loyola said, “Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.” React to that.

Read: Philippians 4:6-7

  • How have you found this text to be true in your life?

Prayer: Spend some time sharing with each other about the things that are causing you anxiety in these turbulent days. Then spend some time praying for one another.