Immerse Chronicles - God is always at work
Has there been a time in your life when you felt like God was absent? Or silent? If so, share that with your group.
Read: Esther 2:1-20
What, if anything, do you find troubling about Esther’s story?
Try to bridge the context from Esther’s day to our own. Where do you see powerful people mistreating the weak and vulnerable?
Read: Esther 3-4:3
Who are the “Hamans” in our world today?
Where is God in this story?
Read: Esther 4:4-14
Esther risked her life to go before the King. What does that say about the kind of person she was?
Focus on verse 14. Is there some special purpose for which God has prepared you and placed you where/when you are in time?
Read: Romans 8:28
Why does it take such faith to believe God will work things out for our good?
God is always working, but sometimes it is difficult to see Him working or sense His presence. Why is that?
Prayer: Pray that God will strengthen your faith so that, even when you cannot see Him, or sense His presence, you will continue to trust that He is at work.