02.13.22 - Small Group Discussion

RESET - Your Story

Following God requires intentionality.

  • Time for complete honesty (but no judgment): is God at the center of your universe? When he is not, what is?

Read: Deuteronomy 6:1-2

  • Why is lifelong, complete obedience so difficult?

  • Is a long, enjoyable life the incentive for obedience, or is it the result of obedience?

Read: Deuteronomy 6:3

  • Share a time that you have experienced the Lord’s blessings as a result of being obedient.

  • Is it your experience that you can draw a straight line between disobedience and things not going well?

Read: Deuteronomy 6:4-5

  • What does loving God with one’s whole heart love look like?

Read: Deuteronomy 6:6-9

  • What are some practical ways you engage in what these verses tell us to do?

  • Since “following God requires intentionality,” share with your group one intentional thing you plan to do this to make sure God is at the center of your universe.

Prayer: Each of us have different things that crowd God out of the center of our universe. Pray specifically for those things that the people in your group struggle with.