Immerse Chronicles - How Will You Be Remembered?
Where you come from does not determine where you’ll end up.
Share a little bit about your genealogy. Is there an especially interesting ancestor in your family line?
Read: 1 Chronicles 1:19; 2:3; and 2:7
Each of these individuals or groups sinned, but the consequences were paid out differently. How so. And why?
Is there any sin in your family’s past that has affected you or your descendants?
What are some of the reasons you’ve heard for people not giving to the church? How would you respond to those issues?
Scan: Take a moment to scan 1 Chronicles 4
What do you find interesting about the people listed in this chapter?
Is there any individual or group with which you identify? Why?
Read: 1 Chronicles 5:18-26
What is the difference between the three tribes in verses 18-20 and the tribes listed in verses 23-26?
Why do you think we continue to struggle with the same issues – being faithful to God – that our spiritual ancestors the Jews struggled with?
Prayer: Pray that God will help us to glorify Him through our obedience and right living.