Glad Tidings of Easter (4.17.22)
God is FOR you.
Share a time when you thought that someone was against you, but were either not ani-you, or were actually for you.
Read: Matthew 28:1-4
How do you think the two Mary’s felt as they walked toward the tomb that Sunday morning?
Have you ever felt like God was against you, or was unhappy with you?
Read: Matthew 28:5-10
The angel told the women to “come and see,” and then to “go and tell.”
Share a moment when you’ve seen God work in your life.
Who have you told about Jesus and his church?
What do you do to regularly remember Jesus, his sacrifice, and his resurrection for you? What might you need to start doing?
Read: Romans 8:31-34
How many things in this passage are described as being done “for us?” Discuss each one.
How confident are you that God is for you?
Prayer: Thank Jesus for his sacrifice and resurrection, as they prove that God is for us.