04.23.23 - Small Group Discussion

Table of Enemies - There is peace at God’s table. 

  • Who did you go out with on Sunday (or who do you plan to have a meal with this week)?

  • Tell us about a time when you’ve had a difficult conversation while sitting across from someone at a table.

  • How familiar are you with Psalm 23? Where have you encountered it?

Read: Psalm 23:1-3

  • What do you know of shepherds, either today or back during Bible times?

Read: Psalm 23:4-5

  • What are sheep doing at this table that God has prepared? Why does the imagery seem to switch at this point in the Psalm?

  • How would you feel if you were eating a meal, while surrounded by all the worst and most traumatizing people from your entire life?

  • How does David feel, being surrounded by his enemies? Why?

Read: Psalm 23:6

  • What was the Psalmist expressing here? What does it mean to “dwell in the house of the Lord forever”?

  • What will you do THIS WEEK to seek peace with an opponent/enemy in your life?

Pray: Pray that your group members can find the peace that’s offered at God’s table.