Table of Enemies - There is peace at God’s table.
Who did you go out with on Sunday (or who do you plan to have a meal with this week)?
Tell us about a time when you’ve had a difficult conversation while sitting across from someone at a table.
How familiar are you with Psalm 23? Where have you encountered it?
Read: Psalm 23:1-3
What do you know of shepherds, either today or back during Bible times?
Read: Psalm 23:4-5
What are sheep doing at this table that God has prepared? Why does the imagery seem to switch at this point in the Psalm?
How would you feel if you were eating a meal, while surrounded by all the worst and most traumatizing people from your entire life?
How does David feel, being surrounded by his enemies? Why?
Read: Psalm 23:6
What was the Psalmist expressing here? What does it mean to “dwell in the house of the Lord forever”?
What will you do THIS WEEK to seek peace with an opponent/enemy in your life?
Pray: Pray that your group members can find the peace that’s offered at God’s table.