When you follow Jesus you are a part of the Kingdom of Priests, the holy nation.
Who did you go out with on Sunday (or who do you plan to have a meal with this week)?
Wally talked about different ways we gather around a table (hanging out with friends, reunions, pot lucks, family dinner, weddings). Which one (or one he didn’t mention) is your favorite?
What do you remember most about gathering at that table? Share a story.
Read: Read Exodus 19:3-8
Why do you think God starts his question to Israel with “You yourselves have seen”?
How does it make you feel that you are a part of God’s treasured possession?
Read: Read Exodus 24:1-11
What does God’s request to have his people come near say about God’s relationship with them?
Moses set up stone pillars to represent Israel in the covenant. What types of things do we use like this in our lives?
What was the peoples response to what God was asking?
Israel enter into a deeper covenant with God and become his Kingdom of Priests. Wally talked about the roles that priests played—helping be a go-between for Israel to God, helping them to worship/engage with God. What are some ways that we could live out that Kingdom of Priests role in our lives now?
How does having this responsibility make you feel?
What do you need to change in your life to be better at seeking, studying, and serving?
What is something you and your group can do to go and serve someone this month?
Pray: Pray that these verses will challenge your group to live our your priestly life.