The Neverending Story
Signs point the way.
What’s your favorite work of fiction? Why do you like it so much?
What book/move/show have you finished, but wished would continue on?
Read: John 20: 1-10
What details about the empty tomb scene stand out to you?
Read: John 20:11-18
Put yourself in Mary’s shoes. How would this moment have felt?
Put yourself in Jesus’ shoes. What do you think he felt?
Read: John 20:19-29
What do you make of Thomas’ reaction to the news about Jesus?
How does verse 29 give you hope?
Read: John 20:30-31
John wrote his book with purpose:
How many times do you see the word “believe” in this chapter?
How does his writing help you “continue to believe?”
Who do you know that needs to read to read this book? What are you going to do about that?
Pray: Pray that you will continue to live out the joy of the Easter story, and that God will use you to help others believe.