The Last Supper
Jesus had all authority, yet he chose to wash feet.
Who from church have you shared a meal with this week?
Who is a humble leader you know?
Read: Luke 6:12-16
How do you make large decisions? Is quiet a good thinking space for you? Why?
Which of the disciples do you most relate to? Why?
Which would you struggle with as a friend? Why?
Read: John 13:1-17
How humbling would be to have Jesus wash your feet?
Would it be any different if it were your best friend? Why?
Why do you think Jesus only said “should” and “….you’ll be blessed if you do them.”
Why don’t we still do them? Should we start?
What are ways you can serve those around you—getting your towel dirty?
Who is someone specific you are going to engage with. What are you going to do? Someone in your family, someone at work, someone in your friend group.
Pray: Pray for opportunities and boldness to SERVE people around you this week.