09.27.20 - Small Group Discussion

Immerse Beginnings - A Savior for God’s People

God sent a deliverer to save you. God saved you to be a deliverer.

  • What stood out to you this week?

  • Was there anything confusing or troubling?

  • Did anything make you think differently about God?

  • How might your answers above change the way we live?

Read: Exodus 1:8, 15-16, 22-2:3, 10, 3:7-10

  • Why study the Old Testament?

  • What needed to happen for a pharaoh to come to power who knew nothing of Joseph? What can we learn about the importance of remembering, learning, and sharing what came before us?

  • The Hebrew midwives defied the law they were given and chose to do what was right. How does this apply to our lives? Where does following the law get in the way of being faithful?

  • Moses was saved through adoption. What is the connection to us being saved?

  • What similarities do you see between Moses and Jesus?

  • What does it mean to you to be a deliverer? Is that something you think Christ-followers are called to be? Why or why not?

Prayer: Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we pray, that we might be grounded and settled in your truth by the coming of your Holy Spirit into our hearts. What we do not know, reveal to us; what is lacking within us, make complete; that which we do not know, confirm in us; and keep us blameless in your service through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

09.20.20 - Small Group Discussion

Immerse Beginnings - Evil turned to Good

Let your pain be someone’s gain.

  • What stood out to you this week?

  • Was there anything confusing or troubling?

  • Did anything make you think differently about God?

  • How might your answers above change the way we live?

Read: Genesis 50:14-20, Romans 12:17-21

  • What is your answer for when people ask why bad things happen?

  • Joseph states that what his brothers intended for evil, God used for good. Does that mean that God wanted the bad things to happen (or made them happen)? Why or why not?

  • Do you have any examples in your life of being able to use the pain in your life to help someone?

  • Will we always be able to have good come out of evil? Why or why not?

  • What does it look like to refuse revenge against those that have wronged you?

  • How do we overcome evil with good? What does that actually look like in our current world?

Prayer: Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we pray, that we might be grounded and settled in your truth by the coming of your Holy Spirit into our hearts. What we do not know, reveal to us; what is lacking within us, make complete; that which we do not know, confirm in us; and keep us blameless in your service through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

09.13.20 - Small Group Discussion

Immerse Beginnings - Blessed to be a Blessing

Faith Faces Forward.

  • What stood out to you this week?

  • Was there anything confusing or troubling?

  • Did anything make you think differently about God?

  • How might your answers above change the way we live?

Read: Genesis 12:1-5, 15:6, Hebrews 11:8-16

  • Why do you have faith? Or why don’t you?

  • Does having faith mean our prayers are always answered? Why or why not?

  • What does it mean to have forward-facing faith?

  • What promises have you seen fulfilled that you were waiting for? What are you still waiting on?

  • Do you live like you’re a nomad, or do you live like earth is your home? How does your stance impact how you live?

Prayer: Almighty God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we pray, that we might be grounded and settled in your truth by the coming of your Holy Spirit into our hearts. What we do not know, reveal to us; what is lacking within us, make complete; that which we do not know, confirm in us; and keep us blameless in your service through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

08.30.20 - Small Group Discussion

The Church has left the Building

Community Starts With You.

  • What’s one thing that stood out to you this week? Why do you think it grabbed you?

  • What does a community look like to you?

  • What solidifies a community? What destroys a community? Why?

Read: Philippians 2:1-11

  • Why is Jesus being the priority over community important for a community to grow?

  • What works well in your small group?

  • What can your small group improve on?

  • How are you doing with inviting, or reaching out to, others in order to help them have a sense of community?

  • Why is it important to realize the building at 6300 Aurelius is not the church?

  • What has been different for you in regard to your faith since we stopped meeting at 6300 Aurelius?

Prayer: Pray that God will bring the right people together in your life to create community.

08.23.20 - Small Group Discussion

Talking Points - Kingdom First

The Unity and Diversity of the Early Church shocked and intrigued the ancient world, and ours should too.

  • What’s one thing that stood out to you this week? Why do you think it grabbed you?

  • Many times, we attribute someone’s character to their behavior. For instance, what’s your initial opinion of someone when you see them being lazy? Late? Generous? Opinionated? Educated? Extravagant? Loud?

  • Similarly, people can make character judgments based on how people lean politically. Why do you think people do that?

  • When it comes to having conversations about politics, would you describe yourself as more unifying or more disruptive? What’s something you can do (or stop doing) to approach political conversations in a healthier way?

Read: Galatians 6:2, Galatians 3:26-29, Luke 16:15, John 13:35

  • In Galatians 3, Paul talks about cultural barriers that should be minimized because of Jesus. What stands out to you?

  • Are there cultural categories (gender, race, political parties, economic class, etc.) that you have difficulty seeing both sides of as having equal value? What makes it difficult for you, or why is it difficult?

  • The Fundamental Attribution Error is a cognitive bias that causes us to attribute another person’s behavior to their character, even though we attribute our own behavior to circumstances or environmental factors. How do we work to combat that bias?

  • How do know when a person’s behavior can be attributed to their character?

  • Does South have division between power/powerless, wealthy/poor, educated/not educated, citizen/foreigner, or race? Why or why not? If we don’t have those divisions, how do we maintain that? If we do, how do we eliminate them?

Prayer: Pray for unity and to love unconditionally.

08.16.20 - Small Group Discussion

Talking Points - Choosing Sides

People first; politics second.

  • What’s one thing that stood out to you this week? Why do you think it grabbed you?

  • When you’re with family, do you discuss politics or avoid it? Would you like that to be different? Why or why not?

  • Tony Evans said, “Jesus didn’t come to take sides, he came to take over.” What does that mean to you? What impact does it have?

Read: Galatians 6:2, 1 Corinthians 9:19-23, John 13:34-35

  • In Galatians 6:2, Paul summarizes how we can practically fulfill the law of Christ. How can we all follow the law of Christ but still disagree politically?

  • Do you generally trust that someone who votes differently than you has an informed conscience? Why or why not?

  • In 1 Corinthians 9:19-23, Paul talks about his method for influencing people. How would you rate yourself in trying to empathize and understand someone’s mindset?

  • In John 13:34-35, we are commanded to love. What does that love look like?

  • Rufus Miles said, “Where you stand depends on where you sit.” How does that resonate with you?

  • Do you really feel you would think different politically if you had a different set of past and current experiences? Why or why not?

  • How do you listen to those who experience the world differently than you?

  • How do you learn when you hear someone say something you disagree with?

  • How do we love in the face of politically disagreements?

Prayer: Pray for unity and to love unconditionally. 

08.09.20 - Small Group Discussion

Talking Points - One is the Win

Disagree politically. Love unconditionally. Pray for unity.

  • What’s one thing that stood out to you this week? Why do you think it grabbed you?

  • On a scale of 1-10, how interested are you in politics? Why?

  • What do you look forward to most, and dread most, about presidential election years?

  • Think about the people you interact with most. What percentage of those people think pretty much the same way as you politically?

  • Which of these statements describes you best? Why?

  • I evaluate my politics through the filter of my faith.

  • I create a version of faith that supports my politics.

Read: John 13:34-35, 17:11, 20-23, Matthew 16:18

  • Why do you think politics are so divisive?

  • Jesus prays for unity. How do you define ‘unity?’

  • What stands out to you in regard to Jesus’ prayer for future believers?

  • What’s a next step for you in regards to politics and moving towards unity?

Prayer: Pray for unity.

08.02.20 - Small Group Discussion

Songs and Sayings - Anger 

Anger is a process, not a destination.

  • What’s one thing that stood out to you this week? Why do you think it grabbed you?

  • Who was your favorite superhero or television character as a kid?

  • If we want to be the hero, why don’t we handle our anger better?

Read: Proverbs 16:32, 17:27, 14:29

  • What are the signs of getting angry?

  • What things tend to cause you anger?

  • Do you view self-directed anger (such as negative self-talk) the same as outward-directed anger? Why or why not?

  • What is encouraging to you about anger being a process?

  • Think of someone you know that has good control of their anger. What do you think of that person? What can you learn from what they do?

  • What do you consider your identity to be? How can holding on to that identity help with anger?

  • Who or what do you have in your life to help you with anger?

Prayer: Pray that you are able to lean on God and the people around you to help you process your anger so that it doesn’t get out of control.

07.26.20 - Small Group Discussion

Songs and Sayings - Fools, Sloths, and Difficult People

It’s important to avoid some people. It’s more important to avoid becoming some people.

  • What’s one thing that stood out to you this week? Why do you think it grabbed you?

  • What’s a situation where you’ve had the thought that it was the people who ruined it?

  • How do you avoid becoming something you don’t like?

Read: Fools: Proverbs 26:4-12

  • How do we handle fools that don’t listen to reason?

  • Why is there more hope for a fool than someone who thinks they are wise?

  • How do we avoid becoming fools?

Read: Lazy: Proverbs 26:13-16

  • Why do you think everyone’s gauge for being lazy is different?

  • Can you motivate people to not be lazy? Why or why not?

  • Why is laziness bad?

  • How do you avoid being lazy?

Read: Difficult People: Proverbs 26:17-27

  • How do we know what arguments between people we should involve ourselves in?

  • Why do arguments grow when more people involve themselves?

  • How do we avoid becoming difficult people?

  • Do you think actions speak louder than words? Why or why not?

Prayer: Pray that your actions show you are not foolish, lazy, or difficult.

07.19.20 - Small Group Discussion

Songs and Sayings - I’m Mad and I’m not Lyin’!

Liars pay a price. Anger has a cost.

  • What’s one thing that stood out to you this week? Why do you think it grabbed you?

  • What are some things we consider to be “little white lies?” Are they harmless? Why or why not?

  • Why is honesty so important?

Read: Lies: Proverbs 19:1, 5, 9, 22, 28

  • Do you believe that being poor and honest is better than being rich and dishonest? Why or why not?

  • What have lies cost you?

  • What has telling the truth cost you?

Read: Anger: Proverbs 19:3, 11, 19

  • What has your anger cost you?

  • What has controlling your anger cost you?

  • How do you direct anger where it’s supposed to go?

  • How do we handle verse 19 regarding rescuing hot-tempered people?

Prayer: Pray that you can control your anger and speak the truth.

07.12.20 - Small Group Discussion

Songs and Sayings - What You Say Matters

Words are a scalpel: They can cure or cut.

  • What’s one thing that stood out to you this week? Why do you think it grabbed you?

  • Share a time when someone’s words really brightened your day.

  • What are the positives and negatives for the variety of ways we can communicate nowadays?

Read: Proverbs 12:5-6, 13-19, 22, 25-26

  • Why do you think words are so powerful?

  • Do you ever feel trapped by your words? What leads to that feeling?

  • How do you stay calm in the midst of being insulted?

  • How does our culture view and handle lies? How do you view and handle lies? What do you view as the biggest danger of lying?

  • Frank mentions a few words (Please, Thank You, I’m Sorry, I Love You, and I’m Praying For You) that cure wounds. When did you last say each of them?

Prayer: Pray for wisdom in your choice of words.

07.05.20 - Small Group Discussion

Songs and Sayings - God Sees

 God Sees Everything

  • What’s one thing that stood out to you this week? Why do you think it grabbed you?

  • Are you good at keeping secrets?

  • Why do secrets have power?

Read: Proverbs 5:21

  • Do you feel like God sees everything? Why or why not?

  • How do you feel about God seeing your sins, even when they’re done in secret? Does it help you resist sin?Why or why not?

  • If God sees the bad things done to us, why does it seem like justice doesn’t always happen?

  • Does God seeing the bad things that are done to you feel liberating in regards to a need to get even? Why or why not?

  • If we are not supposed to proclaim the things we do in order to get praise from people, how can we encourage people to do similar good things or to show people that they’re not alone during their hard times?

  • When a person does something nice for us in secret, how can we show appreciation even when we don’t know who they are?

Prayer: Pray for forgiveness and give thanks for God watching over us.

06.28.20 - Small Group Discussion

Songs and Sayings - You Rescue Me

We fight the battle, but God ensures the victory.

  • What’s one thing that stood out to you this week? Why do you think it grabbed you?

  • What takeaways have you had while reading through the Psalms this month?

  • What are some of the struggles, or enemies, that you face (financial insecurity, family problems, etc.)?

Read: Psalm 140

  • When faced with a fight or flight situation, what is your typical reaction?

  • How or when has God rescued you in your life?

  • How do you feel about David asking God to punish the enemies in his life? How does this impact how you handle your feelings? Was David right to ask for God to do this? Why or why not?

  • Are there evil people? Why or why not? Are people the enemy? Why or why not?

  • What helps you to humanize someone? Why is it important to remember that people were all created in God’s image?

Prayer: Pray for God to rescue you in your struggles.

06.21.20 Small Group Discussion

Songs and Sayings - You Forgive Me

Forgiveness is rooted in God, but blossoms in you.

  • What’s one thing that stood out to you this week? Why do you think it grabbed you?

  • Who are some of your favorite heroes and villains in stories? Why?

  • When you view heroes and villains as people with both good and bad qualities, how does that change the way you see them?

Read: Psalm 51

  • How do you typically respond when someone points out a sin you committed?

  • Frank points out that Bathsheba’s role is potentially uncertain. Does her role matter? Why or why not? What does your answer mean for when you make mistakes involving other people?

  • What constitutes a good apology? Why?

  • When you are given forgiveness, what is your typical response?

  • Can we earn forgiveness? Why or why not?

Prayer: Pray for forgiveness without any qualifiers.

06.14.20 - Small Group Discussion

Songs and Sayings - You Provide for Me

Sheep trust the shepherd to supply them.

  • What’s one thing that stood out to you this week? Why do you think it grabbed you?

  • What in nature reminds you of God’s creative character?

  • What makes you feel like someone is in control?

  • How do you focus on something in the midst of turbulence?

Read: Psalm 23

  • What rejuvenates you when you’re weary?

  • Have you experienced a time where it felt like verse 2, “he makes me lie down in green pastures?”

  • How does it feel when your name is on the line? How does God leading on the right paths for his name’s sake make you feel?

  • When you have walked through the darkest valley, have you felt God with you? Why or why not?

  • What does it mean to you to fear no evil? How do we do that?

  • How is God a host to us? What does that look like in our lives?

  • What does hesed, or covenant loyalty, mean to you?

Prayer: Pray that you will trust in God’s provisions.

06.07.20 - Small Group Discussion

Songs and Sayings - You Protect Me

No matter the foe, God is the deliverer.

  • What’s one thing that stood out to you this week? Why do you think it grabbed you?

  • Who or what do people look to for deliverance? Why do we do that?

  • How do you imagine someone who, if they were attacked, it would be viewed as an attack on God, too?

  • Have you spent much time in the Psalms before? Why or why not? Do you have a favorite Psalm?

Read: Psalm 3

  • Have you ever been told that God would not save you from something? What was that like?

  • David says he wakes up because God sustains him. Take a moment to breathe in and breathe out slowly, thinking of God giving breath to Adam. Any thoughts come to mind as you focus on your breath?

  • How can we not be afraid despite the countless enemies in the world?

  • Was David right to pray verse 7 asking God to strike his enemies? Why or why not?

  • What does it look like for God to provide deliverance?

Prayer: Pray for the confidence to rely on God’s protection.

05.31.20 - Small Group Discussion

Graduation Sunday

Make a plan now to honor God with your future.

  • What’s one thing that stood out to you this week? Why do you think it grabbed you?

  • What do you see life being like after graduation (or how did you picture it)?

  • What works as a reminder for you in your life (such as a wedding ring, etc.)?

  • When have you started something with good intentions and then failed to follow through?

  • Is it worth starting something, even if you fail? Why or why not?

Read: Joshua 24:14-26, Judges 2:10-11, Micah 6:8

  • Like the Israelites entering the Promised Land, there are unique turning points in each of our lives where a direction has been chosen. What have been some of those points for you?

  • How does a generation rise up to be like the one in Judges 2?

  • What does it look like to act justly? To love mercy? To walk humbly with God?

  • How can you choose now to honor God with your future?

Prayer: Pray that you are able to find peace in Jesus.

05.24.20 - Small Group Discussion

Life Interrupted - God’s Ultimate Interruption

God will use your interruption to form something beautiful out of the painful.

  • What’s one thing that stood out to you this week? Why do you think it grabbed you?

  • What gives you peace?

  • Where have you seen beauty come from pain in your life?

  • What pain are you still hoping to see beauty come from?

Read: John 16:32-33

  • Where and how have you found peace during this time of isolation?

  • Have you felt like God has been with you through this? Why or why not?

  • Jesus promises that we will have trouble in this world. Do you find comfort in this statement? Why or why not?

  • Do you believe that Jesus has overcome the world? Do you live like he has? What, if anything, makes it difficult to believe that he has overcome the world?

  • What is your plan for how to find peace in Jesus this week?

Prayer: Pray that you are able to find peace in Jesus.

05.17.20 Small Group Discussion

Life Interrupted - Christ Alone

Where we see an interruption, God sees an intermission.

  • What’s one thing that stood out to you this week? Why do you think it grabbed you?

  • Have you ever thought about “what-might-have-happened” for your life?

Read: Acts 7:54-58, 8:1-3, 9:15-16, Philippians 3:4-8.

  • What can we learn from Paul’s time between his encounter with Jesus to when he went on his first missionary journey 10+ years later?

  • Think of the credentials that Paul presents in Philippians. What are current day equivalents that people claim for themselves to sound better than others? What credentials do we use to pretend we’re better than others?

  • Frank states that with an interruption, there’s a pause and then things pick back up where they were, and with an intermission, things are different when they resume. How do we change our perspective from looking at an event as an interruption to looking at it as an intermission?

  • What ‘intermissions’ have you experienced that changed the direction of your life?

  • How can this current time of COVID-19 be an intermission for you to change direction and do things differently?

Prayer: Pray that you are able to take this time to make a change for the better going forward.

05.10.20 - Small Group Discussion

Life Interrupted - A Question of Timing

God is more concerned about my character, than my comfort.

  • What’s one thing that stood out to you this week? Why do you think it grabbed you?

  • Have you had an experience where the timing seemed wrong at the time, but looking back, you were able to see that it went exactly how it should?

Read: John 11:1-27, 41-44.

  • What can we learn from Thomas’s statement regarding going with Jesus?

  • Jesus says that what happens to Lazarus is for God’s glory. How does that make you feel about how God does things?

  • What is hard about waiting for God’s timing? Why?

  • Earlier a question asked about being able to look back and see the value of the timing. What about the times where the timing never makes sense? How do we handle those?

  • What, if any, is the connection between God’s love and God saving us from pain according to the story of Lazarus? Why?

  • Why is God more concerned about our character than our comfort?

Prayer: Pray that you are able to wait for God’s timing.