Life Interrupted - Christ Alone
Where we see an interruption, God sees an intermission.
What’s one thing that stood out to you this week? Why do you think it grabbed you?
Have you ever thought about “what-might-have-happened” for your life?
Read: Acts 7:54-58, 8:1-3, 9:15-16, Philippians 3:4-8.
What can we learn from Paul’s time between his encounter with Jesus to when he went on his first missionary journey 10+ years later?
Think of the credentials that Paul presents in Philippians. What are current day equivalents that people claim for themselves to sound better than others? What credentials do we use to pretend we’re better than others?
Frank states that with an interruption, there’s a pause and then things pick back up where they were, and with an intermission, things are different when they resume. How do we change our perspective from looking at an event as an interruption to looking at it as an intermission?
What ‘intermissions’ have you experienced that changed the direction of your life?
How can this current time of COVID-19 be an intermission for you to change direction and do things differently?
Prayer: Pray that you are able to take this time to make a change for the better going forward.