05.10.20 - Small Group Discussion

Life Interrupted - A Question of Timing

God is more concerned about my character, than my comfort.

  • What’s one thing that stood out to you this week? Why do you think it grabbed you?

  • Have you had an experience where the timing seemed wrong at the time, but looking back, you were able to see that it went exactly how it should?

Read: John 11:1-27, 41-44.

  • What can we learn from Thomas’s statement regarding going with Jesus?

  • Jesus says that what happens to Lazarus is for God’s glory. How does that make you feel about how God does things?

  • What is hard about waiting for God’s timing? Why?

  • Earlier a question asked about being able to look back and see the value of the timing. What about the times where the timing never makes sense? How do we handle those?

  • What, if any, is the connection between God’s love and God saving us from pain according to the story of Lazarus? Why?

  • Why is God more concerned about our character than our comfort?

Prayer: Pray that you are able to wait for God’s timing.