Life Interrupted - A Question of Timing
God is more concerned about my character, than my comfort.
What’s one thing that stood out to you this week? Why do you think it grabbed you?
Have you had an experience where the timing seemed wrong at the time, but looking back, you were able to see that it went exactly how it should?
Read: John 11:1-27, 41-44.
What can we learn from Thomas’s statement regarding going with Jesus?
Jesus says that what happens to Lazarus is for God’s glory. How does that make you feel about how God does things?
What is hard about waiting for God’s timing? Why?
Earlier a question asked about being able to look back and see the value of the timing. What about the times where the timing never makes sense? How do we handle those?
What, if any, is the connection between God’s love and God saving us from pain according to the story of Lazarus? Why?
Why is God more concerned about our character than our comfort?
Prayer: Pray that you are able to wait for God’s timing.