Graduation Sunday
Make a plan now to honor God with your future.
What’s one thing that stood out to you this week? Why do you think it grabbed you?
What do you see life being like after graduation (or how did you picture it)?
What works as a reminder for you in your life (such as a wedding ring, etc.)?
When have you started something with good intentions and then failed to follow through?
Is it worth starting something, even if you fail? Why or why not?
Read: Joshua 24:14-26, Judges 2:10-11, Micah 6:8
Like the Israelites entering the Promised Land, there are unique turning points in each of our lives where a direction has been chosen. What have been some of those points for you?
How does a generation rise up to be like the one in Judges 2?
What does it look like to act justly? To love mercy? To walk humbly with God?
How can you choose now to honor God with your future?
Prayer: Pray that you are able to find peace in Jesus.