When you think of “Missions” what comes to your mind?
In what ways has the kingdom work of SLCC affected you?
Can you think of some examples of how Christians have made Missions work either too easy or too hard to do?
Read Acts 1:1-8
When it comes down to it, Missions is going and telling people about Jesus. When was the last time you did that? How was it?
Eric spent some time, describing the different levels or circles of missions needed in God’s kingdom. Which circle is the easiest for you? Which is the hardest for you? Why?
Read Acts 2:42-47
How can you be a part of what SLCC is doing to make our community like the one in Acts 2:42-47?
The main point of the sermon on Sunday was “For Christians, Kingdom work isn’t an option; It’s Essential.” Armed with this new definition of kingdom work, where do you need to step up when it comes to Kingdom work?
In what ways, can you help others, or need to be helped yourself to be a better Kingdom Worker?
Small Group leaders consider sharing what your group discusses here with the leadership of South so that we can better help you and your small group serve those around you.