High Ratings
In God’s Kingdom, people are rated differently.
Share a time when someone discounted you without really knowing who you are.
Do you struggle with rating or ranking people according to what they can do for you?
Read: Luke 18:9-10
What have you heard about Pharisees and about tax collectors in the Bible?
Read: Luke 18:11-12
Have you ever encountered someone like that Pharisee? How about this: have you ever been like that Pharisee?
Read: Luke 18:13-14
What are the implications of Jesus’ words in v. 14? When do you think this exalting and humbling will take place?
Read: Luke 18:15-17
Do you find it easy or difficult to go out of your way for others? Why is that?
How do you see South Lansing Christian Church fulfilling this call to welcome everyone, no matter what they can do for us?
How can our church do better in this area? What are you going to do to help us be better?
Prayer: Pray for a moment of inconvenience this week, in which you are forced to go out of your way to help someone who can’t pay you back.