07.17.22 - Small Group Discussion

High Ratings

In God’s Kingdom, people are rated differently.

  • Share a time when someone discounted you without really knowing who you are.

  • Do you struggle with rating or ranking people according to what they can do for you?

Read: Luke 18:9-10

  • What have you heard about Pharisees and about tax collectors in the Bible?

Read: Luke 18:11-12

  • Have you ever encountered someone like that Pharisee? How about this: have you ever been like that Pharisee?

Read: Luke 18:13-14

  • What are the implications of Jesus’ words in v. 14? When do you think this exalting and humbling will take place?

Read: Luke 18:15-17

  • Do you find it easy or difficult to go out of your way for others? Why is that?

  • How do you see South Lansing Christian Church fulfilling this call to welcome everyone, no matter what they can do for us?

  • How can our church do better in this area? What are you going to do to help us be better?

Prayer: Pray for a moment of inconvenience this week, in which you are forced to go out of your way to help someone who can’t pay you back.