08.29.21 - Small Group Discussion

Face the Mirror - James 5:13-20

It’s always the right time to pray. 

ICE BREAKER: Are you someone for whom prayer comes naturally, or do you struggle? Either way, why do you think that is the case?

Read: James 5:13.

  • James said to pray when we’re happy and when we’re troubled. Which is easier for you, and why?

  • Share a time when prayer helped alleviate your suffering, or when it enhanced your happiness.

Read: James 5:14-16

  • James says to pray when we’re sick, and to pray when we sin. Why do you think James draws a connection between sickness and sin?

  • James urges us to pray in community, and confess our sin to each other. How has your group lived this out? How have you struggled?

Read: James 5:17-18

  • What’s your favorite answered-prayer story from the Bible? Why?

Read: James 5:19-20

  • How consistently do you pray for people who are far from God? What can you do to become more consistent in doing so?

Memory Verse: James 5:13 

Prayer: Ask God to help your group develop the trust and community necessary to pray deeply for each other.