Face the Mirror - James 5:7-12 (8.22.21)
Patience is hope, lived out.
ICE BREAKER: When was the most impatient you’ve ever been as you waited for something good to happen?
Read: James 5:7-12 together as a group. Now read just verse 7.
Have you ever planted a garden or some other kind of crop? How did it go for you?
Where do you see the connection between patience and hope?
Read: James 5:8
How does Jesus’ future return give us hope? What hopes do you have about that day?
Read: James 5:9
Is grumbling something you struggle with? What tends to trigger your grumbling or complaining?
Read: James 5:10-12
Which prophets are you familiar with? How should their stories encourage our patience?
What about Job? What can his story teach us about patience through adversity?
How does hope lead to patience?
Prayer: Thank Jesus for his coming return, and ask for your hope in him to be strengthened.