06.27.21 - Small Group Discussion

Face the Mirror - James 1:19-27

Before you jump into ministry you need to look in the mirror.

ICE BREAKER: How often would you say you check your appearance in the mirror?

Read: James 1:26-27

  • Why does James tie the words you say with the way you do ministry?

Read: James 1:19-20

  • What is the difference between godly anger and human anger?

  • What does James say should be the relationship between listening and talking? How does that lead to controlling anger?

Read: James 1:21

  • What are some examples of “filth” that James refers to here?

Read: James 1:22-25

  • Why are we so prone to listen to the word without actually doing what it says?

  • What is the “payoff” for actually doing what the word says instead of merely hearing it and making no substantive change?

Prayer: Pray James 1:22. Ask God to help you do what the Word says!