Face the Mirror - James 1:13-18
Temptation is a process, not an event.
ICE BREAKER: What is a process you hate, that leads to an outcome you love?
Read: James 1:13-14
Why are we so prone to blame others (even God!) for our sin, rather than taking responsibility for it?
The devil is a master at customizing temptation. If you’re comfortable sharing, what is the custom temptation the devil knows you’re vulnerable to?
Read: James 1:15
This sobering verse details the process of temptation and sin. What are your thoughts on the way James described it?
That we so often give in to sin reveals we aren’t as concerned about the natural outcome of unchecked sin as we ought to be. Why is that?
Frank talked about the importance of knowing when and where you’re most vulnerable to temptation. He shared an acronym – HALT (hungry, angry, lonely, tired) – that can help you know when you’re most susceptible. Do these resonate with you? Why? Are there others you’re aware of?
Read: Ecclesiastes 4:12
Why is it so important to enlist others in your battle against temptation?
Read: Lamentations 3:22-23
What promise does this verse hold for us when we’re given in to temptation?
Prayer: Pray James 1:17. Ask God to help you live with gratitude.