Elemental - Seek
Seeking God is the means; finding God is the goal
Ice breaker: What is something you often lose that you waste time looking for?
Read: Isaiah 59:1-2
Frank said that sin and shame can make God feel really distant. Why is that?
Adam and Eve sin teaches us a bitter irony: sin and shame cause us to hide from God. Why are sin and shame related, and why is shame so powerful?
Read: 1 John 1:9.
Why is seeking God critical to overcoming sin and shame’s power?
Read: Matthew 6:31-33
Frank said that what we eat, what we drink and what we wear aren’t just distractions; they’re obsessions. What evidence do you see that supports that statement?
What are the distractions that most often keep you from sensing God’s presence?
Read: Mark 6:31-32, 45-46.
What are some concrete steps you can take to quiet the noise in your life so you can better connect with God?
Read: Hebrews 10:24-25
What role does feeling disconnected from other people play in feeling connected to God?
What are some ways you can encourage each other to seek God?
Prayer: Pray Jeremiah 29:13-14. Ask God to help you overcome sin and shame, distraction and disconnection so you can seek him with all your heart.