02.21.21 - Small Group Discussion

Elemental - Their Story

You can’t control how someone’s story began, but you can impact how it ends. 

  • Who was it that first shared Jesus with you? Tell us about him/her.

Read: Romans 10:9-11

  • It seems like this should be so easy: “Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead and you will be saved.”

  • Is it really that simple?

  • How do we complicate it? Or to put it another way, why is it so difficult?

Read: Romans 10:12-13

  • Frank said that Jesus doesn’t belong to one race or culture. Jesus is for all people. What is your reaction to that statement?

  • What are the implications of it?

Read: Romans 10:14-15

  • Is telling other people about Jesus the job of professional clergy people, or is it the responsibility of all Christians? Support your answer.

  • Lost people matter to God. They ought to matter to us, too. How can we nurture a greater sense of urgency to help people become Jesus’ disciples?

Prayer: Share with your group one or two people that you know need Jesus in their lives and pray for the courage to be the one who share Christ with them.