Elemental - Their Story
You can’t control how someone’s story began, but you can impact how it ends.
Who was it that first shared Jesus with you? Tell us about him/her.
Read: Romans 10:9-11
It seems like this should be so easy: “Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead and you will be saved.”
Is it really that simple?
How do we complicate it? Or to put it another way, why is it so difficult?
Read: Romans 10:12-13
Frank said that Jesus doesn’t belong to one race or culture. Jesus is for all people. What is your reaction to that statement?
What are the implications of it?
Read: Romans 10:14-15
Is telling other people about Jesus the job of professional clergy people, or is it the responsibility of all Christians? Support your answer.
Lost people matter to God. They ought to matter to us, too. How can we nurture a greater sense of urgency to help people become Jesus’ disciples?
Prayer: Share with your group one or two people that you know need Jesus in their lives and pray for the courage to be the one who share Christ with them.