Killing what’s Killing You - Stress and Anxiety
You can pray or you can stress. Only one leads to life.
What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
What stresses you out? Why?
What do you do when your friends are stressed out? Have you ever tried doing that same thing for yourself?
Read: John 10:10, Philippians 4:4-9.
How does stress keep you from living a full life?
Do you believe that there are things that are too big or too small to pray to God about? Why or why not? Does your life reflect this belief?
Do you feel like God is near when you’re stressed? Why or why not?
How do we rejoice always? Are we supposed to rejoice when things are bad?
What does showing gentleness have to do with not being stressed?
How can focusing on whatever is noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy help with stress?
Have you ever had an amazing sense of peace in the midst of something stressful? What was it like? How did you have that sense of peace? How did people respond to it?
Twice in the Philippians passage, we are told God will be near us or with us. What does that mean to you?
How can you remind yourself to pray when you get stressed?
Prayer: Pray that you will stop stressing and start praying.