Killing what’s Killing You - Critical Spirit
Until I find someone who is right 100% of the time, I need to assume I’m not, either.
What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
How do you respond to criticism? What works well for you? What works poorly?
What is your typical approach to giving criticism?
Does the way you give criticism change whether it is right or wrong to do so? Why or why not?
Read: John 10:10, Matthew 7:1-6.
How can being critical keep you from living life to the fullest?
Think about the last time you judged someone. What would it be like for you to be judged in that same way?
What is the difference between the common saying that we shouldn’t judge people and what Jesus lays out for the correct approach regarding judging?
What do you feel like Jesus means in verse 6?
What role does humility play in criticism, both in how we give and receive it?
Prayer: Pray that you look carefully at yourself before judging someone else.