Esther - The Great Reversal
Main Point: God is the orchestrator of great reversals.
What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
What is your favorite underdog story?
Why do you think we love underdog stories?
Read: Esther 9:1-10:3
There are examples of God showing up in obvious ways, such as a burning bush, but that occurred to only a small percentage of people in the world. The majority of people live lives like those during Esther’s time. Is this a comfort to you? Why or why not?
Share a time when you were able to look back in your life and see God working even though you couldn’t see Him while you were going through it.
What do you do in, or how do you handle, the times when you’re waiting for God to show up?
The Kingdom of God is a kingdom of both now and not yet, meaning it is here, but not yet in its fullness. How does our life need to reflect that?
How can we show the Kingdom of grace and second chances to the people in our lives?
Prayer: Pray for peace when it doesn’t seem like God is present.