Esther -The Great Reversal
Main Point: If God seems absent in your story, find courage in His story.
What’s one idea from the message that stood out to you? Why do you think it grabbed you?
When is a time you made the wrong choice, because you were thinking about yourself above others or God?
Why does integrity in the small things impact our ability to make the right choices in the big things?
What makes God seem absent in our lives?
Read: Esther 6:1-2, 8:15-17.
Where has God acted in the story of Esther?
Did Esther and Mordecai’s actions make a difference? Why or why not?
Why should we find courage in God’s story when we don’t feel him working in our story?
How do you handle the situations when it doesn’t seem like God is present or active?
How can remembering our place in God’s story help us make the right choice?
Prayer: Pray to have integrity in both the big and small choices of life.