C I Y M O V E 2 0 2 5
Dates and Location : Bowling Green, OH JUNE 22nd - 27th, 2025
What to bring…
Bible (Physical is best, but digital works)
Notebook and pen/pencil
Clothing for five days, including travel time
An extra set of clothes (because messes happen)
Toiletries (deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, etc.)
Towel (Probably one of the most forgotten items)
Bedding/sleeping bag (that fits a twin-sized bed and bring a pillow)
Appropriate footwear (We walk a lot, bring something comfy)
A fan (For the dorm room. Trust me, you’ll thank me later)
Refillable water bottle (Hydrate or Die-drate)
Spending Money (you might want a snack, a souvenir, or lunch on the way home)
Swimsuit (Men must wear a shirt and Bikini tops must be covered by a shirt as well)
What NOT to bring…
Alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, vapes, etc.
Excessive electronics (gaming systems, TV’s, etc.)
Portable AC units (hasn’t happened yet, but you never know)
Knives (doesn’t matter for what purpose or the size, they aren’t allowed)
Adult Rated Items
This dress code is put in place by CIY and they will enforce it. If you have any questions about if your clothing violates the dress code, err on the safe side and don’t pack it.
MOVE T-shirts
Fanny Packs
Bucket Hats
MOVE Sunglasses
Short Shorts
Sagging Pants
Side ripped shirts
Spaghetti Straps
Low cut Tops
Non-Medical Masks
Slack is the app that we use to communicate with all of our students during the trip and every week at Modified. This is probably the most important of all of the apps that they need download for this week.
We use this one on a regular basis at CIY during the week. This app is used to lead students through a one on one time with God. It used a guided audio to help students relax and focus on having a conversation with God.
This one is an app that contains all of the information a student might need during CIY like FAQ, schedules, maps, and access to see what is in CIY’s store. It helps students to know where to be and when to be there.
This one should be pretty obvious. If you or your student doesn’t have a physical Bible, this app gives them access to the Bible so that they can follow along with the lessons and be connected to Gods word.
This ia another app that students can use to access the Bible during the trip if needed. It is filled with many different reading plans that the student can used throughout the year as well. It also had tons of video to explain the context of what is happening in the scripture that the student has read or is about to read.
What if I (or my student) forget something that they need?
Generally, we can make a trip to the local grocery store to get anything that they might forget to bring. We will do our best to cover any needs if something important is forgotten.
Will I (or my student) need any money for the trip?
Yes! Most of our activities are covered by your students’ registration, however, there are a few things that they might want some spending money for like souvenirs or snacks from the local shops. We usually get ice cream from a stand on one of the days and we will get brunch on the way home. They will need money for all or any of these things.
Can I (or my student) bring snacks and drinks with them?
Yes. They are allowed to have snacks and drinks in the dorms! We recommend that students bring a refillable water bottle with them to use throughout the week. I advise against energy drinks, but they are allowed.
What if my student doesn’t identify with the gender assigned to their biological sex and requests different rooming assignments?
South Lansing Christian Church abides by CIY’s standards when it comes to student housing and safety. Due to this students will be roomed according to their biological sex.
What happens if I (or my student) DON’T follow the dress code or bring something they shouldn’t
If your student cannot or won’t follow the dress code that has been established by CIY, a parent or guardian will be notified and asked to bring their student some appropriate clothing or take the student in question home. If a student brings something that they shouldn’t have, they have until the end of the first night to turn it into an adult without consequence. If the student uses an item on the restricted list, the parent or guardian will be notified and asked to come to pick up their student.
What if there’s an emergency and I need to get ahold of the Youth Minister or an Adult Leader?
Here are the important numbers to know…
Young Adult Minister - Eric Sheldon - Phone Number: 517-897-3799
Female Adult Leader - Jennifer Batdorff - Chelsea Sheldon
Male Adult Leader - Donavan Carmichael