03.26.23 - Small Group Discussion

Seeing Signs

Signs are meant to be seen.

  • Have you ever had an experience like the one Walter shared on Sunday: driving through a winter storm in which the signs were all covered with snow? What was that like?

  • Are you naturally trusting or naturally skeptical of other people?

Read: John 9:1-5

  • How do you feel about the disciple’s assumption that this man’s blindness was the result of sin? Can you come up with any Scriptural support for their perspective?

Read: John 9:6-7

  • Put yourself in this man’s shoes. What do you think you would’ve felt?

Read: John 9:8-12

  • When have you reacted to news about God’s action in ways that were similar to these people’s reactions?

Read: John 9:13-25

  • How does John portray the Pharisees here? How do they contrast with the healed man?

Read: John 9:35-41

  • What’s your take on Jesus’ teaching in this section?

  • On Sunday, Walter mentioned 5 characteristics – identified by Jonathan Edwards – that are present in genuine acts of God. Share any you remember and discuss them.

  • How can you be more humble and suspend judgement when it comes to reports of God’s action in our world today?

Pray: Pray for your people to have opportunities to see God’s and to recognize God’s actions in their lives and in the lives of others around them.

03.19.23 - Small Group Discussion

We Want A Sign

Signs point beyond themselves. 

  • Are you a thrifter or a yard-sale-aficionado? How do you find the sales you’re looking for?

  • What’s the worst yard-sale sign you’ve ever come across?

Read: John 6:1-2

  • Just to be clear, why was the crowd following Jesus? What do you think they wanted from him?

Read: Luke 6:3-7

  • Why do you think Jesus decided to feed this crowd? What was his purpose?

Read: Luke 6:8-13

  • What were the Jewish people looking for in a King?

  • If you’re honest, what do you want from God?

Read: Luke 6:26-27

  • How are the miracles of Jesus a sign, rather than a destination?

  • Do you tend to  value God himself over what he can do for you, or do you value what God can do for you more?

  • What can you do this week to pursue relationship with God over just getting things out of him?

Pray: Pray for your group members to set aside selfishness and to seek relationship with God.

03.12.23 - Small Group Discussion

Here’s Your Sign

Signs are placed with purpose 

  • This may be a weird question, but, what’s your favorite kind of sign?

  • Have you ever been lost? How did you find your way back to where you needed to be?

Read: John 2:1-3

  • Are you familiar with this miracle? What questions do you have about it?

Read: Luke 2:4-5

  • What do you make of Jesus’ response to his mother, and of Mary’s expectancy?

Read: Luke 2:6-10

  • What does this miracle teach us about God?

Read: Luke 2:11-12

  • John labels this miracle a “sign,” and tells us that it caused his disciples to believe in Jesus. Why do you think that is?

  • How easy do you find it to be, to remember God’s actions in your life? What is something significant that God has done for you?

  • How can remembering God’s work for you help you navigate your life’s journey?

Pray: Pray for us to remember what God has done for each of us, and to use those memories to guide our way this week.

03.05.23 - Small Group Discussion


Disciples are sent to represent the King 

  • Name some things that you love.

  • What’s something that, once you start talking about it, you can’t stop?

Read: Luke 10:1-2

  • Jesus says the “harvest is great but the workers are few.” What does he mean by that?

  • Where do you see the harvest being plentiful in your world?

Read: Luke 10:3-7

  • What do you make of Jesus’ instructions here?

Read: Luke 10:8-15

  • What is the message the disciples are sent with? What does that message mean?

Read: Luke 10:16

  • How can knowing that you represent Jesus make you bolder?

  • Who has God been leading you to have a faith conversation with? How will you go about that?

Read: 2 Timothy 1:7-8

Pray: Pray for your group members to be bold in sharing the Gospel message this week!

02.26.23 - Small Group Discussion

Reach Out

We are called to seek and save the lost. 

  • What was your best experience in a large crowd?

  • What was your worst experience in a large crowd?

Read: Luke 19:1-3

  • How does Luke describe Zaccheaus?  What would his equivalent be in today’s age?

  • When is sometime in our life when we judged someone because of their appearance or physical issue?

  • How do you think it would have felt to be Zaccheaus?

Read: Luke 19:4-7

  • Would you have been a resourceful as Zaccheaus?  Why?

  • What did Jesus see in Zaccheaus?

  • Why do you think Zaccheaus responded to Jesus’ call to stay at his house that day?

  • Would you, if you were carrying everything Zaccheaus was, be able to make the same response?  Why or why not?

Read: Luke 19:8-10

  • What do you think the crowd’s reaction was to everything Zaccheaus said?  Where they happy?  Were they sad?  Were they angry?  Why?

  • Wally challenged us at the end of his message that we are one of three people in the story—Zaccheaus, the crowd, or Jesus—seeking and saving the lost.  What do you need to do to move towards Jesus?

Pray: Pray for opportunities, and for boldness to see those who have climbed up in trees today who need to know that Jesus loves them.  Take the next step and reach out!

02.19.23 -Small Group Questions


Disciples are sent with GOOD news!

  • What’s the best news you’ve received so far this year?

  • Tell us about a time when you had really good news, and couldn’t wait to tell someone.

Read: Mark 5:1-5

  • How does Mark describe the man Jesus met? What does it take for someone to end up in such an isolated and distraught situation?

Read: Mark 5:6-8

  • The demons immediately knew who Jesus was, and Walter shared James 2:19-20 on Sunday.

  • Why is just knowing that God exists not enough?

  • Why is our mindset so opposed to seeing the supernatural at work around us? 

Read: Mark 5:9-17

  • Why was the good news for this man so terrifying for everyone else?

  • What makes the good news about Jesus difficult or abrasive for others to hear today?

Read: Mark 5:18-20

  • What has Jesus saved YOU from?


Pray: Pray for opportunities, and for boldness, to share the GOOD news in your social circles this week.

02.19.23 - Small Group Discussion


Disciples are sent with GOOD news! 

  • What’s the best news you’ve received so far this year?

  • Tell us about a time when you had really good news, and couldn’t wait to tell someone.

Read: Mark 5:1-5

  • How does Mark describe the man Jesus met? What does it take for someone to end up in such an isolated and distraught situation?

Read: Mark 5:6-8

  • The demons immediately knew who Jesus was, and Walter shared James 2:19-20 on Sunday.

  • Why is just knowing that God exists not enough?

  • Why is our mindset so opposed to seeing the supernatural at work around us? 

Read: Mark 5:9-17

  • Why was the good news for this man so terrifying for everyone else?

  • What makes the good news about Jesus difficult or abrasive for others to hear today?

Read: Mark 5:18-20

  • What has Jesus saved YOU from? 

Pray: Pray for opportunities, and for boldness, to share the GOOD news in your social circles this week.

02.12.23 - Small Group Discussion


Disciples are sent with a duty to warn.

  • Tell us about a time you tried to share your faith. How’d you feel? How did the other person respond?

  • Do you find it easy or difficult to talk about your faith with others? Why do you think that is?

Read: Mark 3:13-15

  • What responsibilities are placed on these twelve men by Jesus?

Read: Mark 3:16-19

  • What do you know about the stories of each of these guys once Jesus ascended into heaven?

  • On Sunday, Walter said that one of the best evidences for the truth of the Gospel is that no one will willingly die for a lie.

  • In what ways do you agree or disagree with that statement?

Read: Mark 6:6-13

  • What in these verses points to the urgency of the disciple’s mission?

Read: Matthew 28:16-20

  • What expectations does Jesus place on his disciples for after his ascension?

  • What will you do this week to begin to accept your responsibility to share your faith?

Pray: Pray with your group, “God, help us to recognize and to submit to your calling upon my life.”

02.05.23 - Small Group Discussion


We have a purpose—to live a life that bears fruit and to make disciples 

  • What did you want to be when you grew up?

  • Why did you choose that when you were little?  (It was cool?  It’s what you saw on tv?  It was what your parents did?)

Read: Mark 1:1-5

  • What do Mark’s words in verse 1 tell us about his Gospel?

  • Who sent the messenger?  Why?

  • How did the people respond? 

Read: Matthew 3:7-10

  • What do you think of John the Baptist’s critique of the Pharisees and Sadducees?

  • How does it make you feel that we can be a part of what God is doing—that we don’t have to be born into it like the Israelites thought?

Read: Mark 1:6-7

  • How do you think the Holy Spirit is supposed to work in us?

Read:  Matthew 28:18-20

  • In light of Wally’s message, how does having Purpose to live out the great commission challenge you?

  • What are some action steps you can take to live it out?

  • Who specifically comes to mind in your life when you read the great commission?

Pray:        Make a list of the people that came to mind in your group.  Take time praying for each person—for the small group people who need to GO and for those they are going to.

01.29.23 - Small Group Discussion

Let Go

“Followers of Jesus give up their lives.” 

  • What’s your favorite food? Have you ever considered what it would be like to give that up?

  • What is something in your life that you cannot imagine giving up? What does that say about the status of your heart?

Read: Matthew 16:24

  • Have you ever spoken in “Christianese,” saying something like, “Everybody has their own cross to bear?” What did you mean when you said that?

  • How would the disciples have heard and reacted to Jesus telling them to take up their own cross?

Read: Matthew 16:25-26

  • In what ways are you tempted to “hang on to your life?”

  • How can you give up your life?

Read: Matthew 16:27-28

  • What do you know of the final judgement? Does that encourage or frighten you?

  • What might you give up this week, in order to give Jesus Lordship over your life?

Pray: Break into groups of three and share something that you feel God is calling you to give up. Then pray for one another to be faithful in giving those things up. THEN, check in midway through your week to see how giving up is going.

01.22.23 - Small Group Discussion

Great Expectations

“Followers of Jesus give up their right of self-determination.” 

  • Tell us about your personality. Are you more collaborative or more individualistic in how you go about life?

  • Where do you experience the conflict between self-determination and what God wants for you?

Read: Matthew 19:16-22

  • What did this man expect from Jesus?

  • What did he find instead?

  • How was this man trying to set the terms of faith?

Read: Matthew 19:23-26

  • What’s your take on Jesus’ statement here?

  • In what ways do your wealth and possessions make it hard for you to follow Jesus?

On Sunday, Walter encouraged us to try one or more of the following things:

  1. Choose generosity.

  2. Take responsibility for the church.

  3. Freely accept help.

  • Which one of those three is hardest for you? How can you begin put it into practice?

Pray: Pray as a group that your hearts would be open to God’s direction, rather than your own desires.

01.15.23 - Small Group Discussion

Great Expectations

Followers of Jesus give up their expectations. 

  • Tell us about a time when things didn’t meet your expectations.

  • What personality type are you on the Myers-Briggs test. How does that play into your expectations?

Read: Matthew 8:18-20

  • What did this man expect from Jesus?

  • What did he find instead?

Read: Matthew 8:21-22

  • What did this disciple expect from Jesus?

  • What did he find instead?

On Sunday, Walter said that we often expect three things from faith:

  1. We expect God to make faith easy.

  2. We expect to fit in too comfortably with this world.

  3. We expect God to answer all our prayers quickly, and the way we want.

Read the following verses and discuss their implications with the above expectations:    Mathew 10:38, Philippians 2:12-13, John 15:18-19, I Peter 2:11-12

  • What misguided expectations have you had for God?

  • Share a passage from Scripture in which God promises something – because if God promises it, you can expect it will happen!

Pray: Pray that your group members will be willing to leave behind their expectations toward God, and instead build their faith upon the promises he has given us in Scripture.

01.08.23 - Small Group Discussion

Take This Job

“Followers of Jesus give up their vocation.” 

  • Have you made any resolutions for 2023? How are they going for you?

  • Typically, are you someone who gives up easily, or who sees things through?

Read: Matthew 4:18-20

  • What do you think of Jesus’ call to these two men? Be honest: how would you have responded to it?

Read: Matthew 4:21-22

  • When Peter and Andrew were called, they gave up the family business, stability, social expectations, and an income. What have you given up for Jesus?

  • Are you familiar with the term “vocation?” How would you define it?

Read: Colossians 3:23-24 and discuss its implications with your group.

  • What other Bible passages support your conclusions about these two verses?

Challenge: We’re challenging all of our people to read along with the church, using the plan available on the Bible App. All the details, as well as links to get connected to our plan are available HERE. Please encourage your group to read along with you!

Pray: Pray for opportunities for your group members to live out their vocation as “disciple of Jesus,” in their workplaces this week.

12.25.22 - Small Group Discussion

Christmas Presence  -  PEACE

  • What does “peace” mean to you?

  • Share a time when you felt a distinct lack of peace in your life.

Read: Luke 2:8-9

  • How would you have felt if you had been a shepherd, witnessing the angel and hearing the announcement of Jesus’ birth?

Read: Luke 2:10-12 & Isaiah 9:6

  • What stands out to you about these titles for Jesus?

Read: Luke 2:13-14

  • What was so good to the shepherds about the news they were hearing?

  • How is the news about Jesus good news for you?

  • What’s your favorite Christmas movie? How is Home Alone the best Christmas movie? 😄

  • How has God brought peace to your life?

Read: Ephesians 2:14-17

  • With whom do you need to seek peace this holiday season?

Pray: Have group members pray in pairs for each other to experience God’s peace this week.

12.11.22 - Small Group Discussion

Christmas Presence

The light has come into this world because of God’s love.

  • What is your favorite part of the nativity story of Jesus?  Do you like the stuff that happens before he is born—visits of angels to Joseph and Mary?  Mary’s visit to her cousin?  The actual story of his birth in a stable?  Or maybe it’s the angels and the shepherds?

  • The Gospel of John doesn’t seem to care about all of that. 

Read:  John 1:1-14

  • What is John concerned about?

  • How does our world show the darkness that he talks of?

  • Does it surprise you that this is fitting for us today, even though John is writing 2000 years ago?

  • How does the statement in v 14 give you hope?  Why is God crazy enough to continue to chase after this creation?

Read: John 3:16-21

  • Would you say you lean more towards being judgmental of people or being grace filled towards people?

  • God’s love shows us….

  • How does God’s love challenge you?  What do you need to change?  How do you need to love others differently?

Pray: Lord, help us to be in awe of the Love you have for us.  Draw our eyes from the world to the son.

12.04.22 - Small Group Discussion

Christmas Presence  -  HOPE  

  • What is your definition of hope? How did you arrive at that definition?

  • What is your experience with hope? Has it been good for you? Has it let you down?

 Read: Romans 15:4.

  • Paul seems to think that one of scriptures main purposes is to motivate us and give us hope. Do you think that is true? How have you experienced scripture giving you hope this year?

Read: Romans 8:18-24.

  • All of creation waits for God to completely fulfill his promises. Is there anything that you are really looking forward to when God returns?

Read: Luke 1:26-45.

  • How would you respond to knowing that God would use you to fulfill his promise to creation?

Read: The Christian hope is not a cheap hope. It is not immature hope which is optimistic because it does not see the difficulties and has not the experiences of life… The Christian hope has seen everything and endured everything, and still has not despaired, because It believes in God. It Is not hope In the human spirit, In human goodness, In human achievement; It Is hope In the power of God.” – William Barclay

  • What part of this description of Hope stand out to you the most and why?

Pray: Lord, allow us to look to you for our hope. Help us to be people of hope here and now.

11.27.22 - Small Group Discussion

Settled (11.27.22)

God calls us to trust in him because he is Creator and Savior.

  • What has been your favorite book to read during our journey through Poets?

  • Which book has challenged you the most?

Read:  Read Job 1

  • Would you be able to stay humble if you were blessed like Job?

  • If you were in Job’s shoes, how would you respond to the suffering that God allowed?

  • Would you be able to worship like Job?  Why or why not?

Read: Job 31:35-37

  • Knowing all that Job has gone through, do you think he is justified calling out God like he does in this passage?  Why?

  • Have you ever been this enraged at God? Did your anger pass?  How did it subside?

Read: Job 38 to 41—any parts

  • Of the things God says, what do you marvel at most?

  • How do all of these things help you to trust God?

  • In light of Job, how can you have more trust in God now?

The following questions are from the Immerse Poets book, and will be the same each week. They cover that week’s reading:

What stood out to you this week?

Was there anything confusing or troubling?

Did anything make you think differently about God?

How might this change the way we live?


Prayer: Pray the Immerse prayer this week. It’s found inside the front cover of your Immerse: Poets book.

11.20.22 - Small Group Discussion


If you want to please God, seek unity.

  • What is your favorite holiday?

  • How have you experienced holidays bringing the people in your life together?

Read: Psalm 133

  • What imagery in this psalm most captures your attention?

  • In what ways does poetry teach?

Read: Galatians 3:27-28

  • How is unity a sign to outsiders that God is working among us?

Read: Ephesians 4:1-4

  • How do the behaviors in this passage lead to unity?

  • What is one way you can seek unity among God’s people this week?

The following questions are from the Immerse Poets book, and will be the same each week. They cover that week’s reading:

What stood out to you this week?

Was there anything confusing or troubling?

Did anything make you think differently about God?

How might this change the way we live?

Prayer: Pray the Immerse prayer this week. It’s found inside the front cover of your Immerse: Poets book.

11.13.22 - Small Group Discussion


Life is but a breath.

  • What is something you’ve had to do and redo and redo again? How is life sometimes like an endless treadmill?

Read: Ecclesiastes 1:1-11

  • Where do you see yourself in these verses? What have you found to be “meaningless?”

Read: Ecclesiastes 5:10-11, 6:1-2

  • How does wealth fail us?

Read: Ecclesiastes 7:15-18

  • How does wisdom fail us?

Read: Ecclesiastes 4:13-16

  • How does power fail us?

Read: Ecclesiastes 3:11-13

  • What can you do to find meaning in life?

Read: Ecclesiastes 12:1-4

  • How can God provide ultimate meaning and hope?

The following questions are from the Immerse Poets book, and will be the same each week. They cover that week’s reading:

  • What stood out to you this week?

  • Was there anything confusing or troubling?

  • Did anything make you think differently about God?

  • How might this change the way we live?

Prayer: Pray the Immerse prayer this week. It’s found inside the front cover of your Immerse: Poets book.

11.06.22 - Small Group Discussion


Life is brief. Your days are numbered.

  • Did you ever think about “the olden days” when you were a kid? In your mind, what was the world like then?

  • How do you find peace in the inevitable march of time?

Read: Psalm 90:1-2

  • How does God’s eternal nature give you hope?

Read: Psalm 90:3-6

  • When have you been confronted with the brevity of life?

Read: Psalm 90:7-11

  • In what ways does the picture of God in the OT – complete with images of wrath and fury – give us a fuller understand of who he is?

Read: Psalm 90:12

  • How does understanding the brevity of life lead you to wisdom?

Read: Psalm 90:13-17

  • Describe a time when you knew that God was making your efforts successful.


The following questions are from the Immerse Poets book, and will be the same each week. They cover that week’s reading:

  • What stood out to you this week?

  • Was there anything confusing or troubling?

  • Did anything make you think differently about God?

  • How might this change the way we live?

Prayer: Pray the Immerse prayer this week. It’s found inside the front cover of your Immerse: Poets book.