Disciples are sent with a duty to warn.
Tell us about a time you tried to share your faith. How’d you feel? How did the other person respond?
Do you find it easy or difficult to talk about your faith with others? Why do you think that is?
Read: Mark 3:13-15
What responsibilities are placed on these twelve men by Jesus?
Read: Mark 3:16-19
What do you know about the stories of each of these guys once Jesus ascended into heaven?
On Sunday, Walter said that one of the best evidences for the truth of the Gospel is that no one will willingly die for a lie.
In what ways do you agree or disagree with that statement?
Read: Mark 6:6-13
What in these verses points to the urgency of the disciple’s mission?
Read: Matthew 28:16-20
What expectations does Jesus place on his disciples for after his ascension?
What will you do this week to begin to accept your responsibility to share your faith?
Pray: Pray with your group, “God, help us to recognize and to submit to your calling upon my life.”