01.26.25 - Small Group Discussion

Rooted In Your Purpose

You were made for more.

  • Tell us about a time when you felt time slipping away from you. What did that make you want to do?

Read:  James 4:13-14

  • How are you assessing your success or failure in life?

  • How does this world turn your attention toward wealth?

Read:  James 4:15-17

  • What are some important investments you’ve made?

  • If you took a step back and looked at your life, what would you say you’ve invested the most into? Family? Career? Wealth? Church? Something else?

Read: Matthew 28:18-20

  • How do you understand your purpose as a follower of Jesus?

  • Who is God asking you to invest in this week?

Read: Colossians 4:2-6

  • How can you prepare to “make the most of every opportunity”?

Pray: Ask God to bring someone to your attention who needs to hear the good news about Jesus. THEN, ask God for boldness to share!