01.12.25 - Small Group Discussion

Rooted-Identity Small Group Video

A Rooted Identity

When you’re rooted in Jesus, who you are is defined by him.

  • What’s your favorite plant? Why?

  • Share a story of when you struggled to figure out who you are.

Read:  Colossians 2:6-7

  • What does it look like to be “rooted and built up” in Christ?

Read:  Ephesians 2:17-22

  • How has God changed our identity, and when you become a Christian, what is your new identity?

  • How does your identity affect your daily life?

Read: Ephesians 3:14-19

  • What does it look like to be “rooted and established” in love?

On Sunday, Walter said that just like plant roots are in constant contact with the soil, to be rooted in Christ is to be in constant contact with him. At that point, he defines your identity.

  • How close is your contact with Jesus?

  • What’s one thing you can do this year to be more closely connected to him?

  • How will that affect how you see yourself?

  • How can your small group help you take that step?

Pray: Ask God to help you become rooted and built up in Christ, and established in his love in 2025.