09.15.24 - Small Group Discussion

The Cost of Community

Community depends on loyalty and commitment.

  • Tell us about a place you know you belong. What makes you feel that way?

  • What’s stood out to you in your reading this week?

Read:  Joshua 24:1-13

  • God was the one bringing success in each of these episodes of Israelite history. In what episodes of your life have you seen God at work?

Read: Joshua 24:14-18

  • What does it mean to “fear the Lord”?

  • How loyal to God would you say you are? What makes you say that?

Read: Joshua 24:19-25

  • Tell us about a time you were called out for your behavior or thinking by a fellow believer.

  • Who is someone in the church that can hold your feet to the fire when it comes to faith?

  • How can you increase your commitment to God’s people, so that even when you’re facing correction or conflict, you’re willing to stay?

Pray: Pray for each other in groups of two – ask God to grow the other person’s loyalty to God and commitment to his church.