The Cost of Community
Community depends on loyalty and commitment.
Tell us about a place you know you belong. What makes you feel that way?
What’s stood out to you in your reading this week?
Read: Joshua 24:1-13
God was the one bringing success in each of these episodes of Israelite history. In what episodes of your life have you seen God at work?
Read: Joshua 24:14-18
What does it mean to “fear the Lord”?
How loyal to God would you say you are? What makes you say that?
Read: Joshua 24:19-25
Tell us about a time you were called out for your behavior or thinking by a fellow believer.
Who is someone in the church that can hold your feet to the fire when it comes to faith?
How can you increase your commitment to God’s people, so that even when you’re facing correction or conflict, you’re willing to stay?
Pray: Pray for each other in groups of two – ask God to grow the other person’s loyalty to God and commitment to his church.