06.09.24 - Small Group Discussion

So Right It's Wrong SG Video

So Right It’s Wrong

There’s a way to be right and still be wrong.

  • Tell us about a time you thought you were right,but were very wrong.

Read:  Romans 14:1-4

  • What is the dispute mentioned in these verses? Who was right?

  • Share a time when you were technically or factually right, but used that “rightness” in a problematic way.

Read: Romans 14:5-9

  • What are the other two disputes mentioned in these two verses?

  • Tell us about a time you disagreed strongly with another believer. How’d you handle that?

Read: Romans 14:10-13

  • What does Paul say to do when you’re in a disagreement with another Christian? What do we need to remember?

Read: Romans 14:14-19

  • How can you aim for harmony in the church and to “build one another up”?

  • On Sunday Walter mentioned a slogan of our church: “In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, and in all things love.” Unpack that a bit – what are the essentials of our faith? What are non-essentials? How does love apply here?

Pray: Ask God to help you be humble and loving in your disagreements with other Christians.