First Fruit
The First Belongs to God.
Generosity is one of our five core values at SLCC. Do you find it easy or challenging to be generous?
Read: Deuteronomy 26:1-2
On Sunday, Walter shared some stories of Biblical characters giving first to God. Which ones do you remember? What other examples are there in Scripture?
Read: Deuteronomy 26:3-4
How is giving an acknowledgement of God’s providence in your life?
Read: Deuteronomy 26:5-11
How can you make giving a celebration, instead of a chore?
Read: Proverbs 3:9-10
You’re not a farmer. What principle do these two verses communicate?
What steps do you need to take this week in your giving?
Pray: Ask God for the motivation to give, and for the wisdom to give well, and for the commitment to give faithfully.