Unfinished Business
Your story is not over.
Tell us about your favorite story that ends without full resolution.
In your opinion, why do we crave closure?
Read: Mark 15:46-16:4
Put yourself in these women’s shoes. How would you have felt on your way to the tomb? What would your expectations have been?
Read: Mark 16:5-8
What do you make of this ending of Mark? Why do you think he would conclude his story this way?
Read: Mark 1:1
Share the beginning of your faith story.
Where do you expect your faith story to end?
Where did Mark expect his story of Jesus to end?
For those of us who are Christians, Mark offers an opportunity for us to continue the story.
Who in your life needs to be part of God’s story?
Pray: Ask God to open the hearts of the people just named by your group members. Additionally, ask him for opportunities to demonstrate the truth of the gospel to these people.