Healthy faith starts with the basics.
Have you ever taken music lessons? How’d they go?
What makes it so hard to focus on the basics in any area – athletics, music, academics, etc?
Read: Mark 12:28-34
What two passages was Jesus quoting from? Look them up and read them together. (Hint, pay attention to the notes at the bottom of the page in your Bible).
Put Jesus’ response to the scribe in your own words.
Define love.
What does it look like to love God?
Read: John 14:15 and explain how that informs your response.
What does it look like to love people?
Read: John 15:13 and explain how that informs your response.
Share other passages from Scripture you know that inform a definition of love.
What will you do this week to get back to the basics: love God and love people?
Pray: Ask God for clear opportunities to show love this week.