Attention Please
God wants your attention more than your activity.
Have you made any New Year’s resolutions or started a new habit for 2024? Tell us about them!
What are your faith goals for this year?
Read: Genesis 1:26-27, 2:18-20, 3:8-9
What was God’s relationship like with the first human beings?
How did that change after sin entered the world?
Read: Exodus 40:34-38
What was the significance of the Tabernacle in God’s relationship with his people?
Even with the Tabernacle, how was there still separation in that relationship?
Read: Hose 6:6
What is God looking for from his people?
What were they doing wrong?
In what ways has faith become a checklist or merely going through the motions for you?
What can you do to better give God your attention this year?
Pray: Ask for God to help you identify distractions this week so that you can better turn your attention on him in 2024.