Share It!
A healthy faith is a shared faith.
On a scale from 1-10, how would you rate the health of your faith?
Share a story of the boldest thing you have ever done for God.
Read: Acts 2:1-8
We believe that God gives us his Spirit when we choose to follow Jesus and are baptized in his name. Tell us about a time when you very clearly felt the presence or prompting of the Holy Spirit.
Read: Acts 2:42-47
What things are shared by Christians in this story?
What is the result of all of that sharing?
On Sunday, Walter talked about how fellowship is the result of sharing – sharing our possessions, our time, our spaces, and our lives.
Describe a time when you felt close fellowship with God’s people.
Would you say you more naturally attend church, or share your life with your church?
What are you sharing, on a regular basis, with your church?
What steps can you take to better share this week?
Pray: Ask for God to reveal areas in your life that need to be shared with your church, and then to give you the boldness to share them.