09.11.22 - Small Group Discussion


Deeper faith starts with a heart that is seeking God.

  • What is something you’re REALLY in to?

  • How do you see yourself being driven further into whatever that is?

  • What was it like when you first came to Jesus?

  • In what ways have you been driven to go deeper in your faith since then?

Read: Mark 12:28

  • Are you familiar with this passage? What do you think of the religious teacher’s question?

Read: Mark 12:29-31

  • Summarize the two greatest commandments. How do they play out in life?

  • Walter talked about what Jesus meant by “heart, soul, mind, and strength.” What did they mean to the people of Jesus’ day?

Read: Mark 12:32-33

  • Where’s the connection between “heart, soul, mind, strength,” and “seek, study, serve?”

  • What are some ways you can “seek God?” Which one will you do this week?

Leaders Note: This would be a good time to walk your group through the Next Step Cards. We will be using them for three weeks on Sundays and in our small groups.

Prayer: Pair up and pray that God will deepen your partner’s faith this fall.