Deeper faith starts with a heart that is seeking God.
What is something you’re REALLY in to?
How do you see yourself being driven further into whatever that is?
What was it like when you first came to Jesus?
In what ways have you been driven to go deeper in your faith since then?
Read: Mark 12:28
Are you familiar with this passage? What do you think of the religious teacher’s question?
Read: Mark 12:29-31
Summarize the two greatest commandments. How do they play out in life?
Walter talked about what Jesus meant by “heart, soul, mind, and strength.” What did they mean to the people of Jesus’ day?
Read: Mark 12:32-33
Where’s the connection between “heart, soul, mind, strength,” and “seek, study, serve?”
What are some ways you can “seek God?” Which one will you do this week?
Leaders Note: This would be a good time to walk your group through the Next Step Cards. We will be using them for three weeks on Sundays and in our small groups.
Prayer: Pair up and pray that God will deepen your partner’s faith this fall.