Growing the Next Generation
We must continue to grow the faith of the next generation.
Who was a role model to you when you were young?
How did their influence shape you? Share some stories.
Read: Luke 2:39-40
Wally said on Sunday that Jewish boys started learning/memorizing the Torah (first 5 books of the Bible) around age 6. And they had it all memorized with the Prophets by age 12. Do you think that is something you could do?
If we had a system in place, could our younger students do something like that? What would hold us back?
If we didn’t want to get that crazy, what are things you think the kids should learn?
Read: Luke 2:41-52
Why were Jesus and his family in Jerusalem?
Look up some other times on your phone/internet when the Israelites were supposed to travel to Jerusalem for a festival.
How would you as a parent reacted in this situation as a parent losing a child?
Why do you think Jesus responded the way he did?
Wally made the statement: How are you influencing/shaping/impacting this current young generation? (It is not a yes or no question) Who are you influencing?
Share a name or two of who you are going to lean into and write them in your journal to pray over.
Prayer: God, help us to model the example we see in Scripture and the examples we see in South. Pray for each of the names shared in the group.