05.16.21 - Small Group Discussion

Immerse: Kingdoms - Mistrust and Disobedience

You turn away from God just a little, and soon you’re completely turned around.

  • Ice breaker: Just how much trust is there in your group? Share a time when you made a small decision that led to walking away from God (or nearly so).

Read: Deuteronomy 17:14-17

  • Why was God so explicit in his instructions for choosing a king?

  • Why do you think God focused these commands on wealth, power and sex?

Skim through 1 Kings 10 as a group

  • Share verses in this chapter that demonstrate Solomon ignored God’s commands in Deuteronomy 17.

  • Speculate: how did Solomon justify making those choices?

  • How are the ways Solomon justified his choices similar to how we justify our sin?

Read: Deuteronomy 17:18-20

  • Why do you think God told Moses to give these explicit instructions?

  • What is it about the king copying down God’s law and reading it daily that helped the king remain faithful?

  • What lessons are there in these instructions for us?

  • What decisions do you need to make to ensure you don’t follow the same path of disappointment and failure that Solomon did?

Prayer: Ask God to help you learn from the biblical examples we are studying in Immerse Kingdoms so you don’t repeat their failures.