Elemental - Share
Lost people matter to God.
How is it you came to follow Jesus? Who was it that shared Christ with you?
Read: Luke 15:1-2
What is it that “tax collectors and other notorious sinners” found so compelling and attractive about Jesus?
Why is it that, while Jesus attracts sinners, so many churches seem to repel them?
Read: Luke 15:3-7
What can we learn about reaching lost people from the way the shepherd in Jesus’ parable sought his lost lamb?
Read: Luke 15:11-32
In the story of the lost son which brother do you most identify with, the prodigal or the elder brother?
What do you find compelling about the father in the parable of the prodigal son? How does he remind you of our Heavenly Father?
Extended Prayer Time: Ask God to shape your heart so it beats for lost people. Take time to pray, by name, for friends, family, neighbors and others who you know are far from God.